Who are you?

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"There is someone near the base"

"lets go"

A little girl sat in the middle of a huge meadow as the akatsuki surrounded her, watching her from the trees as she plays with butterfly's with not a care in the world. "Tobi likes little girl" Tobi was already running to the young child by the time he finished his sentence while Deidara face slapped at his stupidity. The young girl turned around with a bright smile on her face when tobi approached her. "Hello" she giggled as her smooth voice rang out. She hugged him tightly and held out a flower.

"My name is Mujakina, are your friends joining us?" She questions as she sat down. The rest of the akatsuki joined making a circle around the child. She smiled at each one and walked up the pein. "hello" she reached into her bag pulling out a black flower crown offering it to him. "I am pein" Pein announced in a deep voice as he looked oddly at the crown. "your the leader i'm guessing do you wish for a crown" She offered the crown once more to him. He glared at her pushing the crown away. She moved on the the next person that happens to be Konan.  "I am Konan"

Mujakina smiled and pulled out a purple flower crown putting gently on her head. Next was Itachi "I am Itachi" He had a quiet voice. She simply smiled and pulled out a red and black flower crown, Itachi leaned down a bit so she could reach and put it on. As she did Hidan let out a loud laugh. "Aha fucking hell Itachi really?" The young girl was confused about the weird words the man was saying. Itachi ignored him. "Arigatō". Next was his partner "I am Kisame" She smiled and offered a dark blue crown but he ignored it so she put it away. "I am Deidara un" She offered a bright yellow crown so he leaned down she put it on him."Arigatō". "Sasori" He was blunt, she didn't mind.

She offered a bright red crown  but he ignored it so she moved on. "I am zetsu" She smiled and offered him different shades of green crown, he put it on himself "Arigatō". "Kakuze" She offered him a  black and white crown, he ignored it, her smile never flattered. "Hidan bitch" She offered him a blood red crown but he just threw it to the ground and laughed, she leaned down to the broken crown, Itachi felt anger run through out him.

It was odd for him. Mujakina held the flower crown in her hand while her hands glowed green the flowers started repairing themselves. "Why are you here?" Pein's voice interrupted the girl as she finished healing the flower. "I woke up here sir, I'm from up there" she pointed to the sky at the end of her sentence. All the members were confused while looking up in the sky. "Tobi is confused" "I'm a angel" "yeah right little bitch" Again she was confused at the odd names but nerveless she showed them her wings.

They were in awe of the bright white wings that stood a little over the child's head and almost dragging on the ground. "wow" konan reached out and touched the very soft wings, Mujakina giggled a tab bit ticklish. "Let go back" Itachi stepped forward and put the blindfold over the girls eyes mumbling why he was doing it. After the was done he picked her up and put her on his back with her giggling in his ear. "Arigatō" she said leaning her head on his shoulder waiting to go he new home. Itachi hasn't felt this way since his younger brother was only a little boy.

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