Rythna - Save Her

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AN: Sorry if this is bad too. Personally, I ship Nanocoffee and Inthian, but I do see the appeal in this. Another request from AvatheBulldog .
Pairings: Rythian and Duncan
TW: Near-Minor-Character-Death,
Duncan's P.O.V

Please don't be mad at me, please forgive and help me. Please understand that she'll die without your help, please understand that I need your help.

Holding Kim in my hands, I used my foot to knock on Rythian's door. Luckly, it was opened by Zoey who took one look at Kim and gasped, opening the door wider to let us in. She quietly led us to the bedroom, the only noise our footsteps and hushed breathing.

I put her down on the bed as Zoey locked the door and I turned to her, ready to say something but she bet me to it. "Do you want me to get Rythian?"

I slowly nodded, and Zoey went off. It gave me time to slowly wish I wasn't an idiot, because Rythian might not want to help.

The door opened and Rythian stepped in, looking over at Kim. "I can't help."

"Please Rythian, you have to try. I can't lose another, I don't want to be the man who almost killed Zoey before. I don't want to be insane like that, I just want to do my science, and I don't want to be alone anymore. I'll break down again if I'm alone." I said quickly and Rythian looked over at me, sadness echoing in his eyes. "I can't lose anymore Rythian... It's my fault you hate me, and I understand that. But I'm not that kind of person anymore. I'm different now, and I don't want to be that person again."

"I'll try my best... But she may not make it. Would you wait out in the lounge?" Rythian said and I nodded. I stepped out, hoping that Rythian would forgive me. Wishing that he would realize what I felt for him - Knowing that the real reason I need Kim is so I don't turn into the man who hurt him before.

I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke Rythian was sitting next to me, and I had been leaning on his shoulder. I lingered for a moment, before jolting as I realized my position and sitting up straight, earning a small chuckle from Rythian.

He turned to look at me and I gave a small smile at him, not sure what to do. "She isn't going to make it. I've sent Zoey and Teep to take Kim to Kirin. He's her last chance."


"And do you know you talk in your sleep? It maybe a side effect of having to talk to yourself, but it's rather entertaining."

I flushed red quickly, hoping I didn't say anything I would regret. I'm lucky I haven't been kicked out of the house. "O... Oh..."

I saw Rythian pull down his mask, kissing me on the cheek a little. "You're an idiot, but I love you too. Maybe I can forgive you."

Before I could reply he stood up, a small smile on his lips as he pulled up his mask. "You're welcome to stay." And then he walked off.

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