Markimash - Tear Drops

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The tea swirled as a drop fell into it. A personal rainstorm brewing above it. It rested underneath the boy's head, which was being held up by trembling arms. The boys eyes closed, but it didn't stop the tear from falling.


The tea swirled as the rainstorm unleashed, every tear splashing into the liquid. Sobs echoed the house as the boy let out the frustration, and hurt he had been experiencing over the last few hours.

The recent events clashed in the boy's mind. His girlfriend had told him she was leaving. She TRIED to do it in the nicest way possible, but the jerk she had fallen in love with was... Well a jerk. He said that worthless trash like him shouldn't even date a girl like Jess. Promptly Jess broke up with the guy, but she had told the boy that she still didn't have feelings for him.

At least she wasn't with that jerk.

Maybe he was trash. No one cares about trash, it's just was discarded. And no one really minded when the trash was gone, if anything everyone was happier when the trash was gone.

There were many ways to go about this, the easiest being suicide. Easy for some people, the boy supposed. There was no way he would be able to stomach the idea of a knife slipping through his skin, and Jess had accidentally took the key for the medicine cabinet. The boy didn't have the energy to unlock the cabinet, nor did he want to go down to the pharmacy in this state.

Maybe he could move away. Change his name and start afresh, but that doesn't remove the memories. Only prolongs them, constantly wondering if anyone had noticed.

The boy looked down at his tea now, and chuckled a little. The tears had elevated the liquid levels, and now it was spilling slightly. It probably tasted bitter too, he didn't really want to drink it now.

There was a knock at the door and the boy jumped. He wiped at his eyes and walked to the door, putting on a fake smile as he opened it. He almost forgot he had invited Mark over, before Jess' news. They were going to hang out for a month and be incredibly stupid for their followers. Maybe he'll ask Mark to go home.

The boy opened the door to see a tired-looking Mark, and he was crumbling to jet-lag, but he still let out a cheerful, "Heya Aaron!"

The boy gave a real smile as he helped Mark in with his suitcase, leading him up to the guest room, before the two of them collapsed on the lounge room's couch. The boy gave a small smile at Mark before cycling through movies.

"Aaron, is something wrong?"

Aaron looked over at the black haired man, his glasses slipping off his nose. He pushed the glasses back onto his face, before leaning into the younger man. "Yes."

Mark wrapped his hands protectively around Aaron, who had started to cry into his chest. Mark's hand ran comforting circles around Aaron's back as the brunette's tears shook his body. Neither made any motion to speak, both too preoccupied by the other's actions to speak.

"Mark?" Aaron's accent shook as he confessed to his friend. "Do you think I'm trash?"

Mark was shocked, and he rested his head on Aaron. "Of course not. No Yamimash of mine is trash. And whoever gave you that idea is going to have a taste of my manly power." As if to prove his point, he flexed. This gave him the delighted response of Aaron's giggle as he poked the other man's arm. "Besides Aaron, I don't fall in love with trash."

Mark was once again delighted as Aaron's face flushed, and he dug himself deeper into Mark's chest. A whisper floated up to Mark's ear. "I love you Mark."

"Love you too buttercup. Care to tell me what's wrong now?"

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