Parvill - Turn It Down

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AN: For my baes Will and Parvis because oh my goodness I am such a piece of Parvill trash.


Relationship: Parvill - William Strife and Alex Parvis


TW: None


Will's P.O.V

I was hammering away at the keyboard, watching the words as they danced onto the screen. As I finished the paragraph, I lent back to admire my work before continuing on.

Next door I heard the sounds of strumming, something that drew me from my work. Most times I would ignore the noise, pretended it doesn't exist. But for goodness sake it's there everyday, and it always draws me from my work.

I get off my chair, giving a glance to the mirror to check I was presentable, before opening the door to the apartment complex and walking next door.

I'm not usually a rude person, I usually keep opinions to myself to get the best out of deals. But sometimes, people just need to know. Especially if you've already told them to be quiet before. I raised a hand to knock, and then raised my voice through the door. "Would you turn the fucking music down Parvis. I'm trying to work."

I heard the guitar get placed down, and the black haired man opened the door, the most stupid grin on his face. He met my eyes. "Sorry Will."

"You say that every fucking day." I reminded him, but Parvis' grin continued to grow. "And sometimes I swear you make it louder."

"What if I do?" Parvis questioned and I kept in a groan. I started to walk off, but froze when his fingers wrapped around my wrist. "Will... I'm really sorry... I'll try to keep it down,"

I had to hide the blush that rose to my face as Parvis' thumb investigated the back of my hand. "Parvis, let go. I've got to get back to working."

Parvis gave an annoyed sigh, and he dropped my hand. His own hand slumped to his side, and I felt him watch me as I turned back into my room. As soon as I sat back down, I heard a dinging of a message. I looked down to my phone and cursed under my breath. Some part during that exchange, Parvis had managed to get my number and was now texting it. Hiya! Parvis here!

I decided to ignore him, focusing back on work. But I heard the continuous noise of text messages. Not wanting to turn my phone off in fear that I would miss an important call, I snatched it up and typed.

It wasn't long before I heard strumming on his side, his voice soon added to the mix. An idea formed in my head, and I called his number. He answered.

"Hey Will."

"If you don't turn it down I'm going to make a complaint to the managers about you." I threatened over the phone, only half paying attention to the phone call as I re-read through the work.

I heard Parvis' taunt clear in his voice. "Would you really now Strifey?"

"Are you really sure you want to test me?" I replied and I heard Parvis' sigh.

That sigh then turned into laughter, and I was worried about what plan he had just made. "Well, I'm still going to play, but maybe I can take you out for dinner or lunch to make up for my annoyance."

I snorted at his plans, ignoring the part of me that wants to say yes. "Is your goal to annoy me until I say you can annoy me more? And also, are you asking me out on a date?"

Parvis seemed to get flustered, and became a stuttering mess. "Y... you c... could think of it a... as a d... date. I... if you wanted too..." He instantly seem to calm into a more joking tone. "If I were going out with someone who looks like me, I would think of it as a date."

I snorted at him again, checking the calendar. I was free all day tomorrow, and maybe I could discuss him keeping the music down over food. Besides, he's paying. "Why not. I'm free tomorrow."

I heard Parvis' cheer through the walls, and he said something about knocking on the door at about lunch before hanging up. I let out a sigh. What did I just agree to?

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