Parvill - I've Lost a Friend

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AN: Gloomy. I made a sad one.

Ship: Parvill - Parvis and Will

TW: Mentions of Death - Could be counted as suicidal thoughts,

Parvis' P.O.V

Why was I such an idiot? Why didn't I do something sooner? Things like Picky and Steven can be replaced, but a real friend? No. Not a friend. A lover. A part of me, that could only be removed through death. Someone I was willing to die for, to give my life up for. If only they would come back.

No. William Strife isn't dead. He's just not coming back. Not after what I have decided to do. William Strife of Strife Solutions, will never come back to idiotic, noobish, Parvis.

Just one problem. One problem that even William Strife couldn't find a solution to. I'm not surprised though. We knew that what I was doing was risky. Well... He knew. He knew that what I was doing was wrong. He knew that I wasn't going to do well. He knew that this wouldn't work in my favour. He knew that... He knew that I wouldn't recover the same.

But I wouldn't take no for an answer. I continued on anyway. And William Strife, he said he wouldn't watch me kill myself. He's gone.

I set everything up. Everything was perfect. I was one step away from becoming all powerful. I was one step away from nothing ever being able to touch me, or anyone I cared about.

I stood in front of the alter, my arm outstretched over it. The knife in my other hand, ready to cut. It's not like I haven't done it before. It's not like I haven't almost died for this. It's not like I've almost watched myself be consumed by blood magic before.

But this time I couldn't do it. This time, I couldn't pierce my skin. This time I couldn't do anything. I just stood there, ready to do it.

Was this what made Will terrified? Did he hear about this, and stop doing blood magic. Was this why he stopped?

Even this scares me a little. But I need to do it. It's the only way to protect anyone. It's the only way to protect him. But... It means dying. It mean's letting something else taking over me. It means... It means that I'll no longer be Parv. I'll no longer be Parvy. I'll no longer be Alex Parvis.

Is that what scares me? Knowing I'll no longer be Parvis. Knowing I'll be something else.

I dropped the knife and fell to the ground. Tears started dripping down onto the stone, trickling down the ruins. No wonder William Strife left. Not even Strife Solutions would be able to fix this mess.

"I'm such an idiot... I'm sorry Will." I whispered into the emptiness.

Will's P.O.V

I walked back into Parv's base. It was quiet, which instantly made me worry. He hasn't actually gone through with his idiotic idea, has he?

"God dammit Strife. I should have been able to talk him out of it." I cursed under my breath as I walked down the stairs. I looked around, seeing that it wasn't the slightest bit broken. That's a good sign, right?

I wandered to the altar, to see the knife in the altar. Once again I felt my fear levels rise.

No. He's not that much of an idiot. He wouldn't have actually finished it.

I searched around the altar for the body, if he finished. And I saw Parv leaning, back on the altar.

I knelt down next to him, checking his pulse. It was still there. He was still there. He was still alive, it was still him. It was still Parvis.

I let out the breath I had been holding. I put my hands on his shoulders, trying to shake him awake. He didn't awaken though. I thought of the only other way I could get him awake.

I lent in and kissed his lips. It should have been quick and simple, but I lingered for a bit longer than needed.

I pulled back, and saw Parv's eyes flitter open. Instantly I walked away, and checked out the area. "Hmm. Nothing's broken. If anything, it looks like nothing actually happened."

"W... Will? Will! You're back!" Parv yelled, and I looked back at him. He was pushing himself off the ground.

"You should sit down. I'm sure it took you forever to figure out you were being an idiot." I replied.

Parv finally got up, and he walked over to me, his steps shakey."Will... I thought I would never see you again." He murmured behind me. I turned around, and stepped back as he hugged me. "I thought you left me forever."

"Hm. I thought I did too." I replied, not sure what to do with the grown man strapped to me.

"And... Did you kiss me?" Parv asked. I turned away from him, trying to unwrap his hands.


"Aww. Strifeykins. You're blushing."I glared down at him.

"So are you."

Parv turned his own blushing face away, and let go. "Will... Thank you... For coming back." I watched as his gaze turned to the blood altar, before turning back to me.

"Did you really think I would be gone forever?" I replied, and then noticed a small hole in the building. "Did you do this?"


"Of course you didn't."

"Yeah. Of course I didn't."

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