Nanocoffee - Lost

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AN: Fluffy. Another old one, but being posted up for DewieBlue
Pairings: Duncan and Kim
TW: Abandonment?
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Kim's P.O.V

I ran after the scientist sprinting ahead of me as we ran to his latest discovery. The flux taunted me as I saw him run out of sight. I ran over to where he was and slowed down as I tried to find him. I called out, wondering if this was a trick. "Duncan? Duncan!"

Deciding it was a trick and he would come back soon I sat down and nibbled on some cooked beef. I looked around, wondering when he decided to come back for me.

He left you.

"He'll be back." I said out loud and tried to stay calm. What if he was lost as well?

The sun started to set and I found myself panicking. What had happened to Duncan? Why hadn't he come back yet? What if he had gotten himself lost? The groans of zombies alerted me to their position and I brought out some blocks and built up onto a tree. The zombies piled below as they tried to get me. I looked across at the sprawling forest and my heart sunk. He could be anywhere.

I yelled out. "Duncan!"

He doesn't like you. He decided to lose you in the forest. I ignored the flux's taunting as I looked around for his mess of blonde hair. He doesn't think he can cure you anymore.

"He'll find a way. He promised." I replied and I sat on the tree. I waited all night, and watched as the sun rose. I stood up again trying to find Duncan.

"Kim?" I heard his voice in the distance and I burst out smiling.


"Kim? Where are you?"I could now hear his footsteps as he ran closer, and I could see him in the tree break.

"I'm up here! Duncan!"He looked up to see me on the tree. I could see the relief on his face as I jumped down.

"I'm so sorry Kim. I didn't mean to leave you. I didn't realise how fast I was going." He started apologizing. I hugged him and he stopped.

"It's okay. I knew you would find me." I replied to him. "And I knew I wouldn't always be lost."

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