Chapter 42

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Emily's POV

We walked after our puppy, who was flipping around in the grass. "So what were you going to tell me before Alex called?"

"Oh, right! I was going to say that I got asked by the Make It Right Foundation to film a music video for their campaign." I said excitedly.

"What?" Austin yelled. He wrapped me in a hug. "That's amazing, Ems!"

The Make It Right Foundation was a foundation that focused on bullying and often found unique ways to advertise getting their message across. They were going to ask Austin to film the video, but I informed them that his schedule would conflict with the shoot, so they asked me instead. I was completely surprised that they'd want me to do it, but I agreed, happy to help.

I grinned and hugged him back before pulling away. "They told me they wouldn't start filming until after the baby is born, and are willing to work around me having to take care of the baby."

"That's awesome, Emily. Seriously. I'm so proud of you." Austin smiled. "Look how far you've come."

"Yeah, because of you." I said. "Thank you."

"You deserve the spotlight." He told me before leaning down to kiss me on the cheek quickly. "But you're welcome. What song are you doing?"

I shrugged. "They told me I could write one or they'd write one for me, but I'll write one sometime soon."


I turned around to see Pancakes bolting towards us. She couldn't stop and ran right into my legs and fell backwards.

"What is wrong with you, Pancakes?" I laughed as I leaned down to right her.

"ARF ARF ARF!" She yapped, wagging her tail.

Austin flopped down onto the grass and Pancakes jumped on him, licking him like crazy as he play fought her. The scenario made me laugh and I snapped a picture with my iPhone.

"Fan page worthy." I grinned. I sat down slowly beside the two in the grass and Austin sat up, Pancakes in his arms.

"Go see Emily." He said. Pancakes crawled into my lap and licked my face.

"Hi to you, too." I said, scratching her head gently. Suddenly, the baby kicked.

"And hellooo to you." I winced.

"Baby kick?" Austin asked.

I nodded. "They're getting harder."

"Only a few more months." He said comfortingly. "Then they'll stop."

"Oh yeah, because labor won't be painful at ALL." I said sarcastically.

"But just think, we'll have a baby after it." He told me. "Our baby. You'll forget about the pain."

I smiled. "That makes it seem less painful."

"Although it probably won't be."

"So much for that pep talk." I glared.

He held his hands up. "Hey, I tried." He stood up and brushed himself off before giving me a hand. Pancakes jumped off my lap as he pulled me up.

"Grrrrrr," Pancakes growled.

"What's wrong, girl?" I asked, only to see that she was growling at a stick in the grass by my foot, her ass in the air, tail wagging madly.

"I don't know what to say to that, so I'm just going to keep my mouth shut." I said, shaking my head while Austin died of laughter.

"Oh, come on, she's hilarious!" He said as we watched Pancakes pounce on the stick. He leaned down. "Come on, Pancakes, supper time." Austin said, hooking her up on her leash again.

"What are you making?" I teased.

"Ha, you think you're kidding, but I am actually making supper tonight, not you." Austin told me as he took my hand in his free one and swung it.

"Awww, you're so sweet." I smiled. "Well in that case, what's seriously for supper?"

"Surprise." He said.

"I hate surprises." I mumbled.

He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "I know. That's the fun of it."

"Love you too."

He laughed. "Aw, come on, you'll survive. Besides, you'll want to help if you know what it is."

"I'll want to help either way." I pointed out.

"Good point. In that case, I'm locking you in our room until it's done."

"Austin!" I exclaimed.

He burst out laughing. "I'm kidding! I'd never do that to you. But seriously, you're not allowed to help."


"Emily." He warned.

"Ugh, fine." I sighed in defeat.

We got home twenty minutes later and Pancakes took a nap on the kitchen floor while I grabbed my songbook to continue my previous writing session. Austin went to start cooking.

"If they wanna talk, let them talk. If they wanna whisper, then so what? They don't know about us, they don't know about us, they don't know about us." I sang, and then grinned before writing it down. "Bingo."

"Sounds good, Ems." Austin called from the kitchen.

"Thanks, but it's just random lyrics right now." I said.

"It'll turn out awesome."

"Can I come in yet?" I called.


"Why not?" I complained.

"Because it's not done, that's why. Why don't you go rest, and I'll come get you when it's ready." Austin yelled.

I sighed and stood up. "Fine." I went upstairs to our bedroom before grabbing my red blanket and flopping down on the bed, curling under it.

"Mmm, sleep sounds good right now," I mumbled.

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