Chapter 9

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Emily's POV

He locked his car up, and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"What are you doing?" I asked quietly, feeling uncomfortable with all the eyes on us.

"Just go with it." He replied, grinning widely as we made our way over to Justin and Taylor, who were looking very cozy as they leant up against the wall.

"People are staring." I told him, keeping my head down.

"So what? I'm breaking all the rules now, anyway." He chuckled, letting his arm drop from my shoulders when we reached the others.

I felt cold when his body left mine.

I shook the feeling off.

"Hey." Taylor said, looking suspicious.

"Hi." I replied, feeling awkward.

Justin and Taylor were greeting each other, laughing quietly.

Taylor glanced down at my stomach, mouthing 'does he know?' to me.

I shook my head, glancing at Austin to make sure he didn't catch on.

Taylor shook her head disapprovingly.

She was about to say something, but luckily, the bell rang.

So, we all parted our ways and went off to class.

"What the hell was this morning about?" Taylor asked, linking her arm with mine.

"You're one to talk! What about Justin Bieber, huh? He just showed up at my house this morning, I was stunned. Although, I did tell my mom about the situation last night." I whispered, keeping my voice low.

I didn't want anyone to find out about the pregnancy before Austin did.

"No way! What did she say? Was she mad? I bet she wants to rip off Austin's balls!" She exclaimed, gasping as she pulled me to the side of the hallway.

"She was super supportive; she's booked me an appointment on Friday! I was shocked at how she acted. She was really calm about it. She wasn't pleased about Austin's involvement though." I shrugged, moving closer to the wall as teenagers rushed to class.

"Speaking of Austin..." Taylor nudged me, and looked straight ahead.

I followed her gaze, to where Austin was stood talking to some freshman guy.

He paused momentarily, looking up and catching my gaze.

He smirked and winked, making me roll my eyes and turn away.

"You like him." Taylor stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't like him, especially not after what he's done." I told her, wrinkling my nose up as someone who was wearing a sweet perfume walked by me. I gagged.

Jesus, this baby likes nothing!

"You wouldn't be hanging around with him if you didn't like him." Taylor murmured, pulling me inside our first class.

"For your information, he seems to appear out of nowhere. I'm plucking up my courage!" I defended, dumping my bag under the desk and taking a seat near the open window.

"Have you decided when you're going to tell him?" She asked, lifting her textbook up to her mouth so nobody could hear her.

If anything, she was making herself more obvious.

"Lunchtime, maybe." I sighed, rubbing my temple, as a headache was coming on.

"Risky. Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"What's wrong with you? First, you're telling me to tell him as soon as possible. Now, you're telling me it's risky? Are you bipolar?" I exclaimed, wincing when my head throbbed.

"You know that's not what I meant. I just don't want it to blow up in your face if he reacts badly."

"He won't react badly. He knows it'll ruin his reputation."

Or at least I hoped he wouldn't react badly.

"Good luck." Taylor murmured, silencing as the lesson began.

My stomach churned, but not from sickness.

I only had a few hours to buck up the courage to tell Austin that he got me pregnant.


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