Chapter 53

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Emily's POV

The door to the hospital room opened, and Taylor and Alex poked their heads in. "Hey." Taylor said quietly. "How are you feeling?"

I smiled tiredly and gave a weak wave. "A hell of a lot better than before. I'm just tired." I sat up in the bed as they walked into the room.

Taylor gasped. "Oh, Emilyy!" I smiled and glanced at Austin, who was sitting on the chair beside my bed, holding Lucy in his arms while she slept soundly.

Austin smiled down at Lucy like a proud daddy.

"Hey, man." Alex said, walking over. He grinned as he looked down at Lucy. "She's a cutie, all right. Congrats, guys."

"I'm already set to fend off boys from her." Austin said. "I mean it."

"Oh for god's sakes, Austin, she's an hour old." I said.


I just shook my head.

"What's her name?" Taylor asked as she knelt down by the baby.

"Lucy Carter Mahone." I told them.

"Awe, I love it." My best friend smiled.

"Which one of you wants to hold her first?" Austin asked.

"Duh, me." Taylor said quietly so she wouldn't wake Lucy up. Austin gently handed Lucy over to her, and Taylor immediately started cooing. "You guys, she's the cutest little girl I've ever seen! Just look at her! Oh my god, I'm going to spoil her so bad."

I started giggling as Taylor walked around with her a bit, talking to her quietly, before grudgingly giving Lucy to Alex.

"Heck yeah, I'm now uncle Alex." He said. "It has a nice ring to it."

"Aunt Taylor sounds better." Taylor told him.

"Nu uh, uncle Alex."

"Aunt Taylor." She said firmly.

"Hey!" I whispered. "Knock it off, you'll wake her up."

"Yeah, Taylor, have some manners." Alex said.

"Taylor, don't." Austin warned as she went to say something.

"Fine." She muttered. "Alex, give her back to me!" She whined.

"Hey, I get a turn too." He said quietly. "You can hold her later."

Taylor pouted, but quickly brightened. "Oh my gosh, I just thought of the perfect birthday idea for her fourth birthday!"

"Seriously, Taylor?" I said.

"Yes, Emily, seriously. I take this stuff very seriously." She told me.

We talked for a bit before Alex gave Lucy to me and they left the room, since there were apparently some people waiting to see us.

My mom walked in, and, to my surprise, my dad.

"Mom, Dad!" I said happily. "I didn't know you'd be here, dad." I wanted to cry so much. I haven't seen him in years. I really missed him.

She smiled warmly. "There was no way I was missing seeing my granddaughter, so I took the first flight from Iraq to come back."

My dad was in the military. He hasn't had the chance to come see me in years. Yes, we've skyped before and called each other sometimes, but he never had the time for it.

My dad clapped Austin on the back. "Way to go, son." Austin blushed and rubbed his neck.

"Dad." I groaned. "Stop."


"You're embarrassing him!"

"Hey, he knows I mean well." My dad said, nudging Austin.

"My turn, my turn." My mom said happily as she made motions with her hands that she wanted to hold Lucy.

I handed her over. "What's her name?" My dad asked.

"Lucy Mahone."

"That's a nice name." He smiled at the baby in my mom's arms. "She looks like Austin."

"Really? I think she looks like Emily." My mom said.

"Well, she'll obviously have hazel eyes since these two both have hazel eyes, so that could be both of them, but she's got Austin's nose."

"Honey, that's clearly Emily's nose." My mom told him.

"Are you sure?" He walked over to Austin and looked at him closely, causing me to start laughing. "Ah, you're right. Emily's nose."

"Emily's nose. Hmm." Austin repeated. He grinned before reaching over towards me. I already knew what he was gonna do. "Boop!"

"I will smack you again."

"Damn, I thought the violence was done with you." He said.

"Nope." I grinned.

My dad had a turn holding Lucy and they talked with us for a while, my dad filling us in on his Iraq adventures and everything else before they left as well, saying they'd come back later.

Austin's mom took her place.

"Hi Emily, hi honey." Austin's mom said as she walked in.

"Hey!" I said, Austin waving.

"Oh, she's so precious!" Michele cooed as she looked at Lucy. "I love her name, too."

"How'd you know her name?" Austin asked, confused.

"Emily's parents told me." She explained. "And Alex sort of yelled it throughout the whole floor. I'm pretty sure he's on the third floor right now, still running up and down the halls announcing it."

"Oh joy." Austin muttered.

"Congratulations, kids." Austin's mom grinned. "She's a keeper."

"Thanks." I smiled

After awhile, everybody started to leave. I need my rest and so does Lucy. I don't think Austin does because all he cared about was me and the baby. I guess he really did change.

"Here, hand me Lucy. I'll put her in her bed so you can rest." Austin said, holding his arms out.

"You just want quality time with her." I joked.

"Pretty much, yep. But you need your rest, too."

"Thanks." I said gratefully. He gently set her in the little bed beside mine, and scooted his chair closer. "Sleep as long as you need. I'll watch her."

"Oh you're the best," I sighed as I rubbed my eyes. "The bottle is on the table over there if she gets up."

"Okay." He said, kicking his shoes off.  "Goodnight Emily."

I closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly.

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