Start from the beginning

The beauty of the islands was unearthly in the dawn light. He drove slowly past small atolls and coral rock islands, some with white sandy beaches where the palm trees leaned far over the shore. Low native huts hid in the foliage and shadows moved about from the rising sun and drifting clouds. Brad could see coral gardens of brilliant colors and fantastic formations in the water below as the boat cruised right over them.

"Hey! What the fuck?"

Brad was startled by the shout from behind. It was Jimmy, and Brad turned to see him shoving Clint off of him, huffing and puffing like an angry prize fighter.

"You big homo!" the native boy yelled. "Whaddaya think I am ... a fuckin' teddy bear?"

Clint had obviously just awoken too and was falling back from Jimmy's shove looking like he didn't know what the hell was going on. "Whaaa ... whaaa... whaddaya talkin' about?"

"You were laying all over me," Jimmy shouted, sitting up and glaring at Clint. "And slobbering all over my neck. Maybe that's what you do with Brad, but who says you can do it to me?"

"You're outta your mind," Clint sneered back at him. He kept shaking his head, trying to shake himself awake. "I probably just rolled over onto you. Puh! Like I'd even wanna touch you."

Brad started laughing at them. Neither one of them was fully awake and they didn't realize they both had big bulging crotches.

"Yes, you were laying all over him, Clint," Brad said. "For quite a while. But don't worry, he liked it. He's just as turned on as you are."

Then he looked back ahead, chuckling to himself.

"Fuck!" Jimmy grumbled, squirming around and trying to hide the proof right there in his pants.

"Aww... get over it," Clint hissed at him. "I was dreaming about a pretty girl and you just happened to be within reach."

Jimmy let out a snort. "Oh yah, sure. I bet you never dream about girls. Only Brad."

Clint snorted back. "So ... whaddaya ... jealous?"

"Oh jeez! Ohmygod!" Jimmy hefted himself up onto the side seat. "You guys are totally crazy. And everybody around here thinks Americans are so swell. They should know!"

"Knock it off," Clint growled at him, pulling himself onto the seat on the other side. "And don't call me a homo. I'll pick you up and throw you clear onto one of those islands out there."

"Oh, here we go again," Jimmy laughed at him now. "The tough guy. Big white B'wana! I bet you can't even throw a coconut."

"Hey! I was the quarterback on our high school football team. I threw the ball to Brad. He was my receiver. Amazing passes, every darn one. And he caught almost every one and ran them to score."

"Rah rah, Clint and Brad!" Jimmy hooted. "And I bet you two ogled the other guys on the team when you were taking showers after those games, huh?"

Brad kept his eyes on the islands passing by as he heard Clint grunt, "You better stuff it, jungle boy, or I'll come over there and kiss you."

Brad burst out laughing as Jimmy jumped over the back of the seat and plopped down next to him, shouting, "Stop him! Don't let him get near me."

Brad struggled to stifle his laughter. "But he kisses really good, Jimmy."

"Jeezuz! You're just as bad. I'm goddamn trapped."

Brad snorted. "I thought you said you went to boarding school."

"I did. And I said I know what goes on. But I didn't say I joined in."

"There's always a first time," Clint said from behind them.

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