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Ji-eun rushed to the road to find a taxi, when she find one she hailed it and get inside.

JE: "Sr. to M airport, please hurry!"

As the taxi goes on their way to the airport ji-eun was nervous, she was praying that she will be able to make it in time. She was thinking what to say to yoseob.

Thinking how she will explain everything and how can she convince him to stay.

She was crying, she was overwhelmed with happiness that she can finally be with yoseob.

They are getting near the airport when the taxi stops.

JE: "what's the problem? Why did you stop?"

O: "there is a traffic jam, I think there's a problem in the road."

The taxi driver went out to see what happen.

O: "Ms. There is an accident in the road we can't go on, the truck and the car is blocking the way"

JE: "is there any alternative way, I'm in a hurry"

O: "sorry ms. If we go around it will take 30 mins. to reach the other side."

JE: "it's already 2:30 I can't wait for 30 mins., mr. here is your fare, I'll just run from here"

Ji-eun left the taxi driver and run to the airport. She's running as fast as she can, but the airport is 2 km away. She tried her best to reach the airport. When she arrived she run inside and find where is the waiting area for passengers.


GK: "yoseob-ah, suzy! Please take care"

SUZY: "thank you gikwang, don't worry I will take care of him"

HS: "yoseob, you still have chance to back out, are you really sure you want to leave?"

YS: "hyunseung, my decision is final"

HS: "sigh okay okay, if that's what you want, suzy and yoseob have a safe trip"


YS: "they are calling for us, we'll leave now"

SUZY: "bye bye hyunseung and gikwang!"

GK &HS: "bye"

Yoseob and suzy approached the guard and went inside to get in the airplane.


Ji-eun was running inside the waiting area asking where is the flight to france. When she asked the guard, they show her the way. She run and reached the place. She saw gikwang and hyunseung going back.

JE: "gikwang! Hyunseung! Where is yoseob!?"

GK: "ehh boss? You're too late. their plane is already gone"

Ji-eun felt like her world was shattered into pieces. She didn't make it in time. Her knees felt weak and fall on her knees. Her tears fall in her eyes.

Gikwang and hyunseung become worried and tried to talk to her. But she can't hear what they are saying, her mind become blank. She doesn't know what to, she regretted everything. She missed her chance to be with yoseob. Her heart froze from that moment, she loses her hope.

Gikwang and hyunseung become more worried because ji-eun is still in shock and not moving. She was just staring blankly on the floor.


Hyunseung shrugged her. Ji-eun comes to her senses and stared at hyunseung. She begun to burst in tears.

JE: "hyunseung! What should I do! He is gone! I love yoseob! I can't live without him! What should I do!! I feel like dying right now! I love him! I really love him! I want him to stay! But he is gone!! It's all my fault! I've hurt him! Yoseob-ah! Yoseob!!"

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