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They opened the b2st café shop, ji-eun feels like it's a brand new day for her.

start of new beginning for her life. She was glad that she worked at b2st café and be able to meet the 5 boys.

While entertaining the customers, yoseob noticed something.

YS: "manager! Don't you notice?"

JH: "notice what?"

YS: "there are many boys coming into our shop now, that's strange, what seems to be the reason"

JH: "look for yourself"

Then as he gazed upon the boys that are dining in the café, their eyes seem to be focused on someone. And as he follows their gaze, it was all in ji-eun who is preparing the pastries.

YS: "eh no way!!! manager do something about this!!! "

JH: "as long as our sales is going up, I can't see nothing wrong about it"

YS: "tch!! I must do something!"

Then yoseob rushed to ji-eun and pull her.

JE: "w-wait yoseob, I'm not done with the pastries"

Then they both enter the kitchen

YS: "ji-eun stay here!!! You're not allowed to help outside! Okay!"

JE: "geez what's your problem yoseob, I have the right to do what I want, I'm still your chief you know"

And ji-eun went out to continue what she is doing

YS: "aiisssh!!! This is driving me crazy!!!!"

So as he went out of the kitchen, his eyes are following every action of ji-eun, when someone is looking at her, he's glaring at them, when someone is trying to flirt with her he will barge in. he started to get jealous of the males that keeps on talking to ji-eun.

JH: "oy yoseob, stop glaring at the customers! If you don't want me to cut off your salary!"

YS: " sigh, nae"

JH: "start serving the other customers! Hurry up!!!"

While serving he still keeps on looking at ji-eun that is helping in serving and cleaning tables, he's more focus on her than his work.

YS: "here is your 2 cappuccino and blueberry cheesecake, enjoy your meal"

O: "oppa, can you chat with us for awhile"

But yoseob wasn't listening

O: "hey oppa!! Where are you looking at? You're not paying attention with us!"

When the girls look where he is looking, they saw that it's ji-eun

O: "oppa! You're not paying attention with us!!"

YS: "ow sorry girls, must work, enjoy your meals!"

O: "I hate that girl! Eversince she came, oppa didn't pay attention with us anymore"

O: "yeah that's right!! Let's make her suffer!"

O: "right, right"

When ji-eun came their way, they spilled the cappuccino on the floor.

O: "omg! My cappuccino!"

JE: "it's okay I'll change it for you, don't worry"

When ji-eun came back one of the girls tripped her and the cappuccino fell on her, then the girls start laughing. Then one of the girls gets a tissue with cake on it.

B2ST CAFE (Complete)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang