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They both arrived to their destination.

Yoseob grandparents resthouse

JE: "WOW!!! It's near the beach!!! It's been so long since I visit one! Are we going to swim, oteohke? I don't have swim wear"

YS: "ahmmm, I think my sisters let you borrow one, let's go inside first"

JE: "e-eh, okay, is your grandparents are there?"

YS: "no, they are both in heaven now"

JE: "I-I s-see, i'm sorry"

Ji-eun suddenly felt nervous cause they are all alone. They enter the house and yoseob show her room, and tour her around the house.

YS: "are you hungry?"

JE: "n-nae"

YS: "okay wait there and I'll cook our lunch"

JE: "eh! I'll help!"

YS: "no way, you're my guest so, I'll be the one to cook"

JE: "okay, let me prepare the table for us"

YS: "o-okay, rinse it first cause it's been a long time since it was used."

JE: "nae"

Ji-eun prepare the table, and yoseob cook their meals. The reason that he doesn't want ji-eun to help him cause he feel so nervous. He might make a mess while cooking, and he really want to do his best for ji-eun.

He decided to make kimchi stew, though he is really not used in cooking meals, cause most of the time he is doing pastries, still he do it to impress ji-eun.

He is done cooking and put the food on the table. Ji-eun is sitting and waiting for him.

YS: "here we go, let's eat, be careful okay it's hot"

JE: "nae, wow! It smells nice *eat* hmmm, and delicious too!! That's chef for you, haha"

YS: "keke, It's Good that you like it, let's eat"

And they both enjoy eating the meal that yoseob made. After cleaning up

YS: "chief!"

JE: "yoseob-ah, call me ji-eun okay"

YS: "okay, ji-eun-ah, go change, let's play at the beach, keke"

JE: "okay!"

Ji-eun run to her room and look at the bag that yoseob sisters let her borrow, when she looked at the bag, she was surprised to see that all the things she needs are there, and when she scan for swimwear, she was surprised that they let her borrow a 2 piece swimsuit.

JE: "oteohke, I'm so embarrass to wear this, aisssh"

But she has no choice but to wear it, slowly she went out of the room and saw yoseob waiting and looking outside the window, he is wearing shorts and a sleeveless hoodie jacket.

JE: "yoseob-ah"

Yoseob looked at her and surprised to what she is wearing, his face suddenly became red and looked down. He took off his jacket then give it to ji-eun without looking at her and while covering his face hiding his embarassment.

YS: "uhmm wear this, geez what are my sisters thinking"

JE: "okay, gomawo.."

So they both walked outside the resthouse

YS: "waaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! IT FEEL SO GOOD!!!"

Then yoseob run to the beach and swim

YS: "ji-eun!!! Come on!!! It's not that cold!"

B2ST CAFE (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora