the funeral

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i was getting ready for the funeral...i wore my black dress...

lucy came in my room...

i looked at her and she came near me...

"i'm so sorry ashley"she hugged me...

i was trying so hard not to cry...

"lets go" i stood up and walked out..i closed the door..

harry came to pick us up...we sat on the car and went to the funeral home...

everyone got out of the car....

"harry thankyou for making all this arrangements"i thanked him..he was the one who made all the funeral arrangements...

we went inside the church...there wasnt much people..a few of my dad's freinds,lucy's parents,the boys,daniele,eleanorand lucy...

everyone took their seat....the ceremony started

it was my turn to say the eulogy...i went infront...i did not have the courage to speak...

i looked at everyone and thanked them for coming

i started "Each of you here had your own relationship with my Dad, each of you has your own set of memories and your own word picture that describes this man. I don’t presume to know the man that you knew. But I hope that, in this eulogy that I offer, you will recognise some part of the man that we all knew, the man that is no longer amongst us, the man who will never be gone until all of us here have passed. dad always looked after me...after my mother passed away he took good care of me" as i was saying those words the memories of my dad came flashing back...i couldnt speak anymore...i kept quiet....harry stood up and came next to me...

"Mr.wilson was a great man...he loved his daughter...he was a good father and a very good freind..he continued..

i looked at him the whole time he was giving the speech....

after a while the funeral ended...i did not want to cry....i promised my dad that i'd be happy...

it was raining outside...everyone was coming to me and telling me how sorry they were...harry was with me all the time...the moment came when i could not take it anymore...i burst into tears and ran was raining heavily...i kept running and running hoping that it would stop hurting so much...

harry came running after me he called my name but i didnt stop...

he caught me and hold me from behind...i kept crying...

"ashley calm down,everything will be alright"

nothing is going to be alright harry,nothing" i shouted..."my father is dead and there is absolutely nothing i could do to bring him back" i have no one one i broke down...i fell on my knees and cried....

"listen to me ashley,you're not alone..i'm with you,i promised your dad that i'd take care of you...and i promise you that i'll always be with you....i'll never leave your side"

harry's POV

this girl was completely broken...she lost her father...she was crying in my arms and i could do nothing to make her feel better...we stayed in rain for hours...she couldnot stop crying..she was hurt...

she was weak...i carried her to my car and took her home...she was wet from the rain...i went inside her apartment and laid her in her bed...i wiped her with a towel...i looked at her wardrobe and brought her clean dry clothes...she went inside the bathroom and changed...i always carried a spare clothes with me in my car...i brought the clothes and changed...i made a warm tea...we sat on her bed and i handed her the tea...

"thanks" she smiled..

drink your tea and get some rest...i dont want you to get sick...i said

she looked out the window..."mom and dad must have met by now" she smiled

"yes they must have"i replied

"thankyou again for everything harry and i'm sorry for acting like a lunatic earlier" she apologized

"its okay...but i was a little scared when you ran away...i was afraid that i would not be able to catch're quiet a fast runner" i chuckled

she just smiled..."i think i'll sleep now you can go home..dont worry about me harry" she laid in her bed and closed her eyes..

i sat at the chair next to the bed and looked at her...i could only imagine the pain that she was going through...

i'll take care of you i whispered

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