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Ashley's POV

just another boring day at work....will i have to work all my life in this place...i dont want to be stuck at this place...urghh just so frustating...lucy snapped her finger near my face as i was spacing out..

"hello miss ashley please come back down to earth,its a busy day and we could really use some help" she smiled...lucy and i have been freinds for as long as i can remember...she is like my sister,mother she's my family...she has always been there for me...

"sorry,just thinking about stuffs"i told her with a slight smile on my face... "worried about your father,huh"she said with a little hesitant expression on her face.....i just smiled weakly...

"dont worry sunshine,everythings going to be come on we have customers to serve to"lucy rushed inside the coffee shop...

my life sucks..i said to myself and walked inside the shop...

today was a long day...cant wait to reach home and just jump in my bed..

lucy dropped me at the doorstep of my place and i got out of the car and waved her goodbye...i went inside straight to my i was just about to fall asleep,i heard a loud knock on my door...i got up,annoyed...i opened my door and to my amusement there was this two huge scary men standing at my door step...they pushed me out of the way and entered inside and asked if my father was home...i told them that he hasnt come home since of the man came towrads me "if your dad doesnt payup his debt on time he'll really regret it cause i'll cut u into little peices infont of him"the man threatened...i was scared to death i couldnt say or do eyes became watery...i saw them leaving,smashing the door....i stayed there crying all night..


heyyy are you alright" lucy asked..."did you cry,are you hurt" she asked in her concerned voice and hugged me i couldnt stop my tears from flowing..i told her everything about last night and she comforted me by saying that everything will be alright...

Harry's POV

yesterday was a busy was the last concert...thankgod i'm on vacation now...i really needed one...>phone rings< VAS HAPPENING a familiar voice asked from the other side..."heyy zayn isnt it a little early,why are you calling" i said annoyance in my voice..."mate its already 1 in the afternoon you seriously need a watch" zayn answered

"anyways perrie is hosting a party tonight at your fave place mahiki and she wants all of us to come,so be there at 8 alright"

"fine,now hang up i need my beauty sleep" i said and hung up the phone...

Ashley's POV

aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lucy screamed on top of her lungs...."did you just find a million dollar on the road"i said sarcastically.... "no,its better than that she said..

what could possibly be better than a million dollar i thought....lucy continued "remember jake,the freind of mine who worked at mahiki "yeah so" i said with a dull expression.."he told me that there;s going to be a party at the club mahiki" lucy sounded preety excited... "whats new in that" i said..."its not just any party.perrie edwards is hosting the party and one direction is going to be there,jake said that he could sneak us in" she screamed again..."woah calm down missy and why do you love one direction so much,what is so good about them" lucy looked at me as if i just killed somebody and said "they are gods...and i'm finally going to meet them,i cannot miss this oppurtunity and you're coming with me tonight"

but i dont want to go there,you know how much i hate crowded places right and i have nothing to wear" i protested....seriously ash this is the only chance i have to meet them,please do this for me...i can lend you my clothes...preety please...she asked with her puppy eyes...i couldnt deny...."fine i'll go with you i said in defeat....yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy she screamed and hugged me..."tonight's goin to be the bst night of my life she said....and i thought to tonight's goin to be one of the worst night....i gave her a fake smile...

lets get ready at my place...we'll close the shop early today....lucy's parents owned the coffee shop so she could close and open anytime she wanted...lucy is beautiful inside and out...her height is 5"2,dark brown hair,green eyes perfect body anyone would fall for her...her parents own a coffee shop,clothing store and other side father used to work at her house long back so that is how i knew her...her parents are always so kind to me...i owe them so much

ashley" a familiar voice me close the shop will you,oh and we need to go for shopping we need some nice clothes to wear,so hurry"

we closed the store and headed to her car and went shopping...

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