Chapter Eleven

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Dipper sat in the attic on his bed, studying for the upcoming test in school. He wasn't really into it this time though. It had been about three weeks now since he had proposed the idea of a secret relationship to Pacifica and he hadn't seen or spoken to her since. At this point he was worried about her. He didn't know if he had just not seen her at school or if something bad had happened to her. Either way there must be a reason and it couldn't be good. He bit his lip and thought for a moment before finally getting up and grabbing his coat before heading downstairs and out the door, grabbing the keys to the car on his way out. He quickly walked to the car and got in, driving to Northwest Mansion.

Pacifica quickly walked back to her room, tears streaming down her face from pain. Emotionally and physically. She stepped into her room and shut the door behind her, sliding down to the floor with head in her hands. 'Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.' She thought to herself. She wasn't sure how long she just sat there on the floor crying, but soon she heard a knock come from her window and looked up to see Dipper standing there with a worried look on his face. She put her hand over her mouth and after taking a couple more deep breaths and wiping away her tears she stood up and walked over. She put on a stern look as she opened her window.
"You need to leave Dipper," She told him, holding back more tears threatening to surface.
He just stepped in, ignoring her words and turning to her. "Are you okay Paz?" He asked, placing a hand on her cheek.
She closed her eyes, keeping the tears back. "Dipper, please..." She said quietly.
"Obviously not... what did they do?" He asked her, starting to get angry. It wasn't that he hadn't always been upset by what her parents did, but for some reason at this moment it was coming out more.
She shook her head, opening her eyes again. "Dipper, I'm fine okay? But you need to leave."
"Not until I know you're okay, I want to talk to your parents," He told her turning towards the doors.
She quickly grabbed his hand, tears again, threatening to fall. "Dipper, please don't," She said.
He clenched his jaw and turned to her. "I'm sorry Pacifica. I'm not going to not do something. I understand the risks I'm taking but... I can't let them keep doing this to you." He told her before walking over to her, grabbing her and, not sure why he was doing this, kissing her, lips crashing against hers.
She froze a moment, surprised before closing her eyes and starting to cry again, placing her hands on his cheeks and kissing him back. After a few moments, she stopped kissing him. "Please don't do this Dipper," She said against his lips.
"I'm sorry," He said with a sigh and quickly kissed her once more before walking back over to the door and going out.
She closed her eyes, attempting to hold back more tears and failing, soon curled up on her bed, taking deep breaths and trying to calm down, feeling horrible about letting him do this but too scared to go out and face her parents. The mix of feelings was killing her. She tried to curl up tighter into herself before wincing and remembering her new marks on her stomach and back. She loosened herself up a bit and thought of the things they might do to Dipper. "Why are you such a wimp, Paz?" She said to herself, even more tears following. After a few moments she heard people screaming at each other. She winced and thought for a moment before finally thinking of something and grabbing her phone, calling '911'.

But deep down she knew.

This won't work.

This won't end happily.

He can't be my future...

The end of Book 1

A Tale of Two Lovers - Book 1 (DipperxPacifica)Where stories live. Discover now