Chapter Five

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Dipper checked the time. '8:00' He saw and walked out, grabbing his bike and started riding toward the mansion. He soon got there, just as it started raining he rushed to the window she had said lead to her room, he saw her sitting on her bed in shorts and a sweater, studying for an assignment at school. He stepped forward and lightly tapped the window. She looked over and got off her bed, walked over to the window and opened it to let him in. He stepped in and noticed the bruise on her leg, which had gotten darker since that morning.
"Liar," He said.
She looked away and walked back to her bed, sitting down and looking back down at her textbooks. "It's not a big deal."
"Yes, it kind of is," He said, sitting down next to her.
She didn't look at him. "We've already been over this Dipper. Don't get into this."
"I care too much about you not to," He said not thinking about the words until they were out of his mouth but not taking them back.
She still didn't look at him. "I know... but that's the same reason I can't let you. I care too much and it just wouldn't work." She said, also not fully realizing what she had said until it was out of her mouth.
Dipper stared at her a moment surprised a bit but put his hand on her cheek making her face him. "Pacifica, please, let me help you," He said, wanting badly for her to open up to him. Well, more that is.
"Dipper I can't. There isn't anything you can do. It's just part of my life," She told him, tears coming to her eyes now.
"Then let me be a part of your life," he said, placing his forehead against hers. "Let me be able to keep you safe."
"Dipper you don't understand..." She said. "They wouldn't accept it, it would just make things worse for both of us, and I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt."
"I won't get hurt," he told her. "I'll make sure they can't hurt you either Paz. Please..."
"Please, don't try and get deeper into all this Dipper, I can handle it myself." She said.
"No, Pacifica, you can't. You're not in any position or state to do something about this." He said, shaking his head lightly, forehead still against hers.
A tear ran down her face before she closed her eyes. "Dipper, I just can't let you. It's not that I don't... don't want to," She said, opening her eyes, looking back at him. "It's just too risky Dipper."
"I'm willing to take the risk. If it means keeping you saf-" He started, only to be cut off.
"Well, I'm not!" She told him, really crying now. "I can't let them hurt you Dipper, you're too important. I'm already taking a risk hanging out with guys so much. They're barely okay with that Dipper." She told him, taking a deep breath before finishing. "Please... I can't Dipper. You can either try and do something, get hurt and... just not see me again or we can continue how we are now, just friends."
He took a slow breath and nodded, understanding what she was saying now. "Alright Pacifica. I won't do anything..." He said and thought a moment. "For now." He said and leaned closer to her, lightly kissing her and pulling back before she could do anything. "Just friends." He told her quietly.
She stared at him a moment, a light blush coming to her cheeks. She looked down and nodded before pulling away from him and turning back to her textbooks. Dipper sighed and walked back to the window, looking back at her again before climbing down and quickly riding back to the Shack, determined to find a way to help.

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