Chapter Eight

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Pacifica sat up quickly, breathing heavily and was about to stand up before she realized she was on her bed, in her room. Safe. She ran her hands through her hair taking slow, deep breaths and reached over to her lamp, turning on the light. She looked around and calmed down as she looked at the familiar surroundings. She pursed her lips and looked at the time, surprised to see it wasn't too early. '6:47. I can deal with that.' She thought, used to waking up much earlier from nightmares and memories. She got up out of bed and walked around a bit, trying to think of things to keep her mind off last night's set. 'Dipper.' Her mind immediately went to him and she let out a frustrated groan, flopping back down on her bed.
"What have you done to me Dipper...?" She mumbled. Her thoughts went through her memories of him over and over before landing on one specific one, that often came to mind when she thought of Dipper. 'That kiss...' She thought, closing her eyes and remembering that moment. How soft his lips were, the warm feeling she got they touched hers, how badly she wanted to kiss him back. But of course he just had to pull away. She thought a while before deciding she couldn't take it anymore and got out of bed, quickly changing and and rushing out the door. She grabbed the keys to the car and walked over to it, getting in and driving to the Mystery Shack. She checked the time when she got there. '8:30? Daydreamed longer than you thought Paz...' She sat there a moment biting her lip, deciding if she really wanted to do this. Eventually she just took a deep breath and stepped out of the car walking to the door and knocking loudly.

Dipper was sitting at his desk studying the journal and had been since early that morning when he heard a knock on the door. He walked downstairs to answer it knowing the others were still asleep. He opened the door and saw Pacifica. "Hey Paz, what are yo-" He started to ask before getting cut off by her lips pressing against his. His eyes widened a bit in surprise. He just stood there a moment before letting his eyes close, placing a hand on her cheek and kissing her back. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into the Shack, shutting the door behind her. She stopped kissing him and pulled back a bit, looking up at him.
"This doesn't mean anything..." She whispered against his lips.
"Of course not," He replied, smiling and kissing her again. Pacifica smiled a bit into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.
They stood there a little while before Pacifica pulled back and stared at him. "I should, uh, go home..." She whispered.
"Yeah..." Dipper said, but just started at her a moment. "Oh, yeah, sorry," He said and moved his arm from around her waist stepping back.
She pursed her lips and stepped forward quickly pecking his lips before pulling away, smiling a bit. "That didn't mean anything either," She said, before turning and going out the door back to her car, driving back to the mansion, smiling. She soon got home, thankful to see her mom and dad still asleep. She walked back to her room and laid back on bed taking a few deep breaths, slowly realizing she probably made a mistake in kissing him and all but deciding she didn't exactly regret it either.

Dipper stood in that same place a while, grinning like an idiot, not believing that really just happened. Soon Mabel came down and saw him there, staring at an open door, looking kinda crazy with his huge grin and bed hair. She came over and tapped his shoulder.
"Yo, Dipper," She said. "Whatcha doing staring at the door?" She asked.
Dipper looked over at her. "Huh? Oh, I'm... nothing. I'll tell you later. When I believe it really happened," He told her.
"Right, okay..." She said. "Weirdo."
He laughed a bit and shut the door before going to the kitchen and getting breakfast. He sat at the table across from Mabel, both with a bowl of cereal in front of them.
"Believe it yet?" Mabel asked, extremely curious at what happened.
"No, not really but... No... I do believe Pacifica Northwest kissed me..." He told her, smiling again.
Mabel's mouth dropped open. "Oh my gosh, really?" She asked, slowly getting a huge smile herself.
He nodded, "Yeah."
"Really?!" She asked again with a squeal.
Dipper laughed a little. "Yeah, really."
Mabel jumped out of her seat, dancing around the room a bit. "Dipper's got a girlfriend! Dipper's got a girlfriend!" She said, happily.
Dipper sighed a bit at that. "Not really," He said. "It was just a kiss and she assured me it "didn't mean anything"..." He told her.
"Boo!" Mabel said frowning.
"Yeah, really. I guess I understand though..." He said, nodding a bit. "With her parents and all."
Mabel furrowed her eyebrows a bit. "What about her parents?" She asked.
Dipper looked up at her and shook his head. "Nothing, if she wants to tell you I'll let her, but it isn't my place to say anything."
Mabel rolled her eyes. "Fine," She said and finished her food before walking towards the stairs. "Well, tell your not-girlfriend that Mabel thinks you two should make it official!" She yelled back at him.
"Yeah sure thing," He said laughing a bit. He leaned back in his chair, smiling to himself. "Yeah... definitely didn't mean anything..."

A/N: I don't why I like ending chapters like that I just do. And to whoever it was saying they just wanted them to kiss, it's kinda funny cause I was planning this chapter before you said that! Hope you guys enjoyed!

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~Ninja Rainbow

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