Chapter Four

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Pacifica woke up in a dark room, sitting up slowly then feeling a pain in her stomach. She groaned and looked for light switch, soon finding it and turning on the light. She lifted her shirt, exposing her stomach and saw another bruise forming, seeming darker than normal. Sighing, she stood up and felt another pain in her leg, looking back and noticing a bruise on the back of her thigh as well. She frowned before opening the door and walking back to her room where natural light filled every corner. She smiled a bit at the sight then walked to her bathroom, taking off her dirty clothes from yesterday and stepping into the shower, cleaning off the dirt and sweat from the past day or two, closing her eyes and smiling again as the warm water hit her. She cleaned herself off, taking her time, as it was early in the morning and she'd have plenty of time to get dressed and eat after the shower. Her thoughts wandered many places before stopping on prom which just happened about a week and a half ago but seemed like yesterday. She pursed her lips, remembering her promise to Dipper. She quickly finished up and got out of the shower drying off and getting dressed, slipping on skinny jeans and a big sweater even though it was the end of May, not taking the chance of Dipper noticing a new bruise by her wearing another crop top or something of the like. She put her hair up as she walked downstairs to eat, today being a day that her parents wouldn't be joining her she was more relaxed. She finished her food and grabbed her bag before heading out the door and calling a butler to drive her to school. Most of her thought were about the previous night on the way to school but once she stepped into school she forced them out, not willing to let anyone suspect something. She walked down the hall to her locker and saw Dipper by it again. He had taken up the habit of waiting for her and checking up with her before classes. Part of her enjoyed it and was happy that he cared enough to want to know she was okay. The other part was annoyed at how persistent he was. She got to her locker and started putting books in her locker.
"I'm fine," She said before he could ask.
"Why do you that little limp then?" He asked, looking over at her.
She kept her eyes in her locker. "I fell down the stairs this morning," She told him even though she knew he would know she was lying.
"Right," He said. "Can I come over tonight and you can actually tell me everything?" He asked.
"It would better for both of us if you didn't," She replied, looking at him now.
"I can sneak in," He said, determined to have her let him.
She stopped to think a moment. Usually her parents ignored each other for a few days after a fight, so there wasn't really a chance of anything like last night happening again for a while. She sighed and shrugged, "Sure," She said.
He smiled a bit, "Good. I'll be there around 8:30."
"Yeah, fine," She said before grabbing her books and walking to class.
Dipper watched her go and took a breath, nodding and walking to his own class.

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