The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (29)

Start from the beginning

“They talk to you now because you're hot and you're available.” Chunk pointed out and I shot him dirty daggers. “Whoa Sugar, I just meant before the team you seemed pretty hostile. Whose going to start quick chit chat with someone who looks like they didn't want to be there and was willing to take out some limbs to leave? Not me, that's for sure. And face it, you know you're good looking. Why do you always seem to offended when someone mentions it?” He asked sarcastically, walking away and into the large shower room before I could come up with an answer.

“I don't get offended,” I corrected bitterly. “It just makes everything awkward, that's all.”

“It would only make things awkward for a virgin.” A nameless boy smirks at me as my face turns beat red. Immediately, I reach for the first thing that my hand reaches, which turns into a large thing of men deodorant and throw it so hard that it makes a large thud on the boys bare chest and claimers to the tiled floor loudly leaving a red mark.

“Stephen, don't talk like that.” I expected words like that to come from Chase, but he hadn't come in to the locker room since practice was over, and the words came from Mikie who had traded his red Nike shirt for a white one. “She has a thing with that Abel kid, respect that.” He insisted and Stephen just rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, because he's real intimidating.” Stephen snorted and I took a large step towards him, unafraid of the boy who stood clearly inches taller and much stronger than me.

“Shut up about him.” I hiss, my protectiveness getting the better of me. I can't protect Abel from his Father, and I know that his Father snapping back into his old ways is only a matter of time but I can protect him from the bullying he endures in school. It's pointless and childish and needs to end. “How much bigger does picking on his really make you feel? And by doing it what are you trying to deflect from? Researchers, and school counselors claim that 'bullies' only say mean things because it makes them feel better inside because as a child they were picked on. How did it make you feel when you went to a public pool and kids stared at that weird birthmark on your shoulder the size of Texas? How did it make you feel when in the heat of the moment someone mentioned how large your nose is, or how horribly awful you could quite possibly be in bed? Shut up about him Stephen.” My voice was hard and even, and I could tell by everyone staring at me that I was overreacting, but I couldn't stop myself and I saw Stephen glaring back at me. “We're on the same team, and I'm going to tell you the same thing I've been telling Chase all week during our morning lessons. I don't need to like you, but we need to play well together. If you don't make fun of Abel, if you and your goons. All of you.” I shouted the last part out. “If you leave him alone, I will bring you guys to the championship. Just leave him be.” Everyone eyes were on me, and I could see a few of them smiling.

“You would anyway.” Stephen laughs at my poor excuse of a bribe.

“ ' ankle. Ow.' “ I faked, lifting my left ankle up, the same one weeks before Chase kicked with such a force I thought he really had broken it. I smiled at him slyly and he rolled his eyes.

“A chip to bargin with.” He laughed, bringing his hand out comfortably. I took it greatfully and smiled back at him. I felt stupid for my outburst. For the past few weeks no one really had been bullying him, no one has tried to shove him in dumpsters or into lockers but I felt more comfortable knowing that when his Dad did snap... that at least school could be bearable.

I left when the large number of showering boys came pouring from the shower room, they all laughed at my speedy retreat, but I didn't make it far. I found out why Chase hadn't gone inside the locker room. He was too busy arguing with coach, spoiling the middle aged man good attitude before I even got used to having him smile at me.

“I just don't understand why she is a starter for next Wednesdays game. I don't get it!” Chase yelled, but I could tell he was trying to keep his voice down.

“That's why you aren't the coach Chase. You're the captain, I'll give you that but when it comes down to it I have final say and you know that. She will be standing right next to come the first game of the season because Sylvia deserves to stand there. Face it kid, you got some real competition.” Coach laughed coldly, as I remained hidden in the long hallway that lead to the boys locker room. I could hear Chase sigh loudly out of anger before storming out of Coach's office... he didn't come into the hallway like I suddenly fear. He stormed out of the basement, and up the stairs making each step heard.

I didn't know why I was so scared of Chase seeing me listening into the conversation. Maybe it was the fact that it would be embarrassing being caught overhearing that kind of a conversation, but even then it wasn't like they were trying to hide it all that much. Without any warning Coach is standing in the mouth of the hallway staring knowingly at me with a slight frown.

“I'm sorry about him...” Coach said, I was completely blow away and he knew. “You don't get why he's so intimidated by you, do you?” He laughed, and it was followed by a humorless laugh. “You just moved here, you don't know how many colleges come scouting here do you?” I shook my head numbly. “You got real talent at this sport Sylvia. More than I've seen in any girl here... no offense intended. I'm just saying. The only way Chase is getting out of this town is if he gets a scholarship, and he knows it and he doesn't like it. And with you standing by his side some of the spot light is going to be shared. Before you, there was no question who all the colleges would want but now?”

“...I'm a girl though.” I said at a loss for words, this evening taking a large turn of events.

“More reason to stare.” Coach insisted. “Chase just doesn't want to get stuck selling silly comic books at the corner store like his old, and the older more before it.”

“Chase loves comic books-” I almost tell Coach about the time I went into his bedroom and found rows and stacks of them everywhere, and how Chase went into immense detail about every one giving me story after story but then I may not be able to stop when I tell him about Maddie.

“Who wants to make a job out of a hobby that he was forced into? I know I didn't.” Coach threw his hands up, and I knew he meant coaching high school football. “That kid may like it, but who wants to sell comic books as a way of life and stay in the same town forever? It's his only way out, and this year is the year that they look for potential.” Coach explained, and my mouth was dry. I couldn't defend Chase any longer, he wasn't as easy to protect as Abel. “And you.... you got real potential.” I could tell the conversation was over before Coach even turned around, and I was glad. I didn't expect his attitude to change so suddenly, but I guess Chase does that to other people and not just me.

I rushed out of the school, thankful for fresh air and wished my Mother wasn't so prompt. I wanted to go for a run, but knew it would be too late to ask her considering she was already sitting in the idle car. My head was stupidly spinning over everything I had just learned. Why hadn't Chase told me about the comic book store his Dad owned and would it really be that bad working there? Chase loved comics, I could tell that by the short time I had spent in his bedroom.

But does he love comic books more than soccer?

That thought dawned on me halfway home and it only then registered that I hadn't said a single word to my Mother but I didn't feel the need to spark any kind of conversation. I was suddenly thrown in a weird, horrible mood. One second I was excited about Devon, and getting to start in the first game as a forward when suddenly I was wondering if soccer was really worth it. Don't get me wrong, I love soccer. Soccer is a passion of mine ever since I was younger and just since then I was good at it and it made me friends and made school much easier to deal with. I don't make friends easily and just like it is here in New Hampshire you make friends when you're good at a popular thing.

But it wasn't what I wanted to do with my life, I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to go college for, but I knew it wasn't soccer. Regardless tot he fact that you can't study soccer, and all soccer would get me was a full side to an insanely expensive college... it was so welcoming when I thought more into it. All I had to do was get good grades, and continue to excel in soccer and I would be getting a free ride in any college that wanted me that much was sure from the way Coach was talking to me. But college felt forever away because I still had a year and a half in high school... was Chase really thinking that far ahead?

Chase had mentioned that my parents could afford to send me to college ten times over... and when you look at his house, and his pool and his life you think the exact same thing about him but what if that was all a facade the same way Abel's life was. You don't look at Abel and immediately think battered kid from an abusive home. You don't think that the only reason he's here is his Mother, and that he would protect her to the end of the Earth all you see is a bony, awkward kid. You see what they portray, you don't necessary see what they really are...

My head was spinning at my new revelation. I should have realized it sooner, that Chase is hiding just as much as Abel is. His parents don't have to literally be beating him for him to be in just as much turmoil as Abel. I'm holding Chase back from something that he needs, but what's saying that I don't need that scholarship if I ever get offered one? Maybe I was worrying about thing too soon, like usual. I tried to push all the stupid thoughts from my head knowing that it was too soon to worry but it didn't stop me from thinking what about in a year? Will I really continue to take the spotlight from Chase?

I didn't answer it because it seemed to stupid. I was creating a whole silly story in my mind that didn't need to be acted out. I didn't need to be thinking so far ahead until the day came that I needed to make that choice. I just couldn't help but feel bad that this is exactly what Chase was worrying about in his home, worrying if he would have to share the spotlight, share the success. He was worrying at this very moment if he would make it out of this town, but in retrospect to everything I had been thinking about lately about it seemed to little.

Abel may not worry about his Father, but I sure do. I worry if one day his Father would hit him too hard and do more damage than anything that can be recovered from. What if one day he killed Abel's Mother, or Abel? Abel must worry about the same thing, he must worry if he will ever make it out of this town but only under much different circumstances than Chase and suddenly I disliked Chase more than I ever had before.

I came out of my weird coma like thoughts realizing I had already eaten dinner and was undressed upstairs ready for bed. I was thankful for one more night, one more night where Abel didn't show up outside my window but I fell asleep wondering how many more nights I had.


See that link? That is the link to my newest started story, that I actually love writing and would love feedback. Just like this story, I get reads but no love :C so if you could go and read it, maybe vote? Do something supportive because it's in the watty awards running and I hope to not look like a loser haha.
ALSO-- cuz everyone is like "it's too hard to comment on mobile," so maybe it will be to hard to find it online THE MOBILE CODE IS 1515307 <<get to it please and thank you. (: I love you guys, and I love writing what you love so <3 

This is also a little over four pages on word. (: Amazing I know 

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