We step inside and I look around, to see baby blue coloured walls, with a pattern at the bottom, along with a darker shade of blue, and a nice shade of brown on the wooden floors. "Harry," I murmur, looking around.

We walk into the room near the entrance of the house, and I notice that it is the living room. A black leather couch on one side, and a matching single chair beside it. The walls are a wine colour, and the ceiling a white colour. A small glass table is on another side of the room, a lamp laid on top of it, and a flat screen TV on the other wall.

"No way in hell did you do this for me," I mutter, looking at Harry.

"Oh, but I did," he smirks.

"Why -? How did -? Huh. Why would you do this for me? I'm nothing special," I say quietly.

"Megan, you don't get it. I know we've only been going out for a month, but you are really special, if you weren't I wouldn't do this for you," he says to me, pulling me closer to him.

He leans in to kiss me, and just before his lips touch mine, I let out a small laugh, "Did you do this for Taylor?"

He laughs, "No, I didn't."

"Good," I laugh lightly and pull away, leading him into a different room.

"No kiss?" He asks, frowning, and honestly, looking incredibly cute.

I chuckle and give him a peck on the lips, "There you go."

We go around the apartment, and I see he has really outdone himself. I really could've made the money myself and get an apartment, but of course, Harry just had to buy me an apartment. He is way too nice of a person, and I have no idea why he is going out with a person like me. He could find himself someone a lot better than me, it puzzled me why he gave me his phone number in the first place.

One thought leads to another, and I find myself thinking about how this all came to be. Luck was really what it all came down to.

"Now," Harry says, opening the door to the last room in the apartment, and I see that it is a bedroom, a light blue colour, matching the hall downstairs, and many items in the room, matching the colour, along with a flat screen TV and a cream coloured double-bed, "this is the bedroom."

"Oh my god, Harry," I mutter. Why did he do this? Not only did he buy the apartment for me, but he bought tons of expensive-looking furniture for it, too. Two flat screen TVs in one house, really? I didn't need this - I didn't deserve this.

He ignores my comment and walks around the room, "You can do lots of fun stuff in here."

I let out a laugh, "Yeah? Like what?"

"Like... watch TV." He gestures towards the television, "or... sleep." He points to the bed, and I laugh.

"Or... we could do something else," he says, wiggling his eyebrows at me, and diverting his gaze from me to the bed suggestively.

I giggle lightly, "How about no."

"How about yes." He smirks, walking back over to me.

"No." I shake my head, crossing my arms and laughing lightly as he stops in front of me.

He chuckles, "Yes," and presses his lips to mine, and I can't help but kiss him back. My hands become lost in his curls, and his wrap around my waist, pulling me even closer to him.

We pull away, breathless, and I ask him, "Does my mum know about this?"

"About what?" Harry asks, "Me wanting to make a mess upon your innocence?"

I laugh, "What?"

"Oh," he says, with a chuckle, "I forgot you didn't know our music. I was joking. It's lyrics to one of our songs."

"The lyrics of your songs are that you want to make a mess upon someone's innocence," I say, raising an eyebrow with a small laugh.

"No!" he laughs, "Anyways, what were you going to say?"

"Does my mum know about me moving out of the house and into my own apartment?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He nods, "I've talked everything over with her."

"I don't get why you'd do this for me," I murmur, "I don't deserve this. It means a lot to me that you'd actually do this for me, thank you so much, Harry, you really are amazing."

"You don't need to thank me, Megan. And you do deserve this, you really do. You're amazing too," he tells me sincerely, looking me in the eye, before kissing me again.

As he kisses me, he murmurs against my lips, "You sure you're not up for my suggestion?"

I pull away, and chuckle, "I'm sure. But how about watching something on the tele?"

"Alright," he agrees, walking over to my bed and laying down on it, resting his head on the headboard to keep himself up, and he picks up a remote from the desk beside him.

I walk over, as he fumbles with the remote, mumbling, "I'm not exactly sure how to use this thing..."

I let out a laugh, as I sit down beside him, and he wraps a hand around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and I lay my head on his chest as he tries to turn on the TV.

After a minute or two, he has figured out how to work the television and has put on a TV show.

"Finally," he chuckles.


A/N: this was awkward for me to write ummmm idek


you are all perf ok

Lisa :)

oh and if any of you thought nigan was over, your wrong ooops maybe shouldnt say that k byeee

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