"Mind if I join you, then we could go to the dojo after?" he asked.

"Sure, but I was going to grab breakfast first."

"Where are you keeping the money?" he chuckled looking at me up and down probs noticing I had no pockets.

"Please, with this outfit and body I don't need money." I chuckled. "Race you to the nearest Starbucks!"

"You are so on, loser buys?" he said raising an eyebrow.

"Done!" I said, then we started running. I used a combination of sprinting and parkour, but when I got on the home stretch Eugene pushed me over, winning. Don't get me wrong, I was the faster runner, but Eugene was better at acrobatics and parkour than me.

"No far, you cheated." I glared.

"You never stated any rules, so I just assumed anything goes." he said smirking at me.


At that moment Jack arrived and looking nearly dead.

"What do you want grandpa?" I asked.

"Who is this prick?" Eugene asked getting his big bro act on.

"Trust me, Toothpick is no one that we need to worry about." I said calming Eugene down.

"I think I preferred grandpa." Jack muttered.

"Too bad. Orders." I said.

Both of the guys gave me their orders, then I walked into the Starbucks and went straight up to the counter. I made sure I leaned on the counter showing more of my cleavage, then the guy took our order. His eyes just stared at my chest the entire time, and he didn't even ring me up. As expected, no charge.

I walked up to them and handed them their food.

"Els, sometimes you are scary, brilliant, but scary." Eugene said biting into his sandwich.

"Please, I'm smart. All men are the same. Dress and act the right way, and you can get anything you want." I chuckled, "It is all about strategy, like chess."

"So you use people?" Jack asked.

"Darling if I don't use them, they will just use me. I'm a girl who knows what she wants, and will do just about anything to get it." I said and nibbled his earlobe. He shivered and I chuckled.

I backed up from him, and showed him that I took his wallet.

"Really, all of that for my wallet?"

"Yep." I laughed, and tossed it back to him, "Don't feel bad, every guy falls for it. They just don't get their wallet back." I said winking.

He blushed but rolled his eyes, making me giggle.

Then we all walked to the hill at the park, Eugene and I singing Good Time on the way, and layed down on the soft grass. After I finished eating me and Eugene pointed out shapes of clouds and talked about his girl problems like we did so many years ago. Apparently he was having trouble getting the goody-too-shoes girl at the schools heart, possibly the last girl in the school he hasn't gotten yet.

"Elsa, what should I do, my reputation is on the line." he said.

"Please, you can get any girls heart........... well except mine. You don't need my help."

"I already have yours, but I am not going to crush it like all the other bitches." he pointed out.

Damn it! Now I have to help him or I'll look like a total bitch!!!!

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