I Know Where The Cup Is

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    I opened my eyes sleepily feeling arms locked tightly around me, I looked over to see Jace laying there next to me fast asleep.

     I was able to get out of his arms and kiss his forehead without waking him up, I walked back to my room slowly and into clothes Isabelle had lent to me, they weren't much different from mine.

     I got curious and walked to the library to see no one there, I had a cup of tea in my hand sipping it occasionally while looking at the book of symbols and what they did.

     I traced my fingers around the symbol that was titled "soundless" then took a sip from the cup, put in down, and turned the page.

     I was about to pick it up again but I couldn't grasp it, I looked over and saw it on top of a piece of blank white paper.

     I waved my hand above it and down till I was touching the paper, I got down on my knees and saw that the cup was drawn on the paper. My first instinct was to lift the paper up and when I did there was nothing under it, it was just the paper.

     I reached my hand out and when it hit the paper it went inside, I got hot of the handle of the tea cup and pulled it out staring at it.

     "Your mother was the only other person who could do that," I was too distracted to jump from the sound of Hodge's voice.

     "I've never been able to do this before..."

     "Apparently, the block wasn't just repressing your memories...but your abilities as well," was his response after clearing his voice.

     I immediately knew where the cup was, I put the cup back down on the table and ran back to Jace's room hoping he was still there.

     I knocked quietly a few times when the door opened Jace stood there still with no shirt on and a tired expression.

     "I'm sorry, I woke you up, didn't I?" I apologized seeing his expression lighten when he heard my voice.

     "I'm glad you did," he smiled slightly and continued, "What is it?"

     "I know where the cup is."

     We were walking down the street when I looked up to see a familiar face, "Hey, Ryder, whats going on? Haven't seen you in a while?"

     "Hey, Nathan, I'm sorry I can't really talk right now," I replied trying my hardest not to sound rude but I knew I failed.

      "Another time then?" he asked.

      "Yeah, sure," I answered avoiding his eyes and walking away, "Goodbye."

      "Bye," he said and when I looked back I saw Isabelle push his shoulder slightly making him get a confused, freaked out look on his face.

      We walked up the walkway that led to my apartment, when we walked in the door Isabelle and Alec went up to my apartment and Jace and I were standing outside Madame Dorothea's door.

      I was about to knock when the door opened to reveal Dorothea standing there smiling at us, "Would you mind letting us see the Tarot cards for a minute? We'll give them back when we're done."

      "Those weapons can't come in here," Dorothea stared Jace down making him start to remove them from his body, a long process if you don't mind me saying, "This is a peaceful house."

      After Jace was done she let us in and left us in the living room while she went to go get the cards, when she was walking back towards us Jace asked trying to seem like a gentleman, "How are you feeling today?"

The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones *Jace Wayland*Where stories live. Discover now