I'm Sorry...

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I had been laying down in my bed for at least an hour and I couldn't sleep...it was freezing and I felt so guilty I could hardly stand the thought of my selfishness.
I didn't blame Sam for leaving, I felt terrible and I could hardly stand it, it was eating away at me and it wouldn't stop.
I had my head in my hands deciding whether to go talk to Jace or not, I doubt he wanted to hear my problems or hear me complain and I didn't want to bother him.
I stood up, I was still dressed in my clothes, and walked out of the room I was staying in towards Jace's room. I noticed the door cracked open and pushed it a bit.
Jace was sitting on his bed with no shirt on with his wand type stick in his hand, in my time here I found that Shadowhunters used their wands to burn runes into their skin to give them the power the symbol represented, they were called stele's. Jace was just pushing it up and down his forearm burning himself, I knew because I could see the smoke.
I placed my hand on top of his that was holding the stele and whispered, "Please don't do that."
He stopped moving the wand and pulled it out of his skin, I sat down on the bed next to him and took his arm in my hands, softly touching over where the burn used to be but was now just cleared.
He had runes all over his upper body, the symbol I used to draw over and over again was in the center of his chest.
"You know how you told me that story about when you were nine?" I thought it would comfort him to know he wasn't the only one.
"Yes," his eyes creased in the middle staring into my eyes.
"When I was nine I found out that my best friend had died, I remember standing out in the middle of the street in the rain and wanted so badly to just not be here anymore," I dropped Jace's hand softly and pulled up my sleeve to reveal a scar on my left forearm which made his eyes widen, "The car just barely clipped me but that was enough to get this. Sam had been there for me ever since then...it may be made up about the car but not about losing someone. I thought I owed Sam for it, there have been times when I've wanted to just walk away but I couldn't, he didn't deserve to be treated that way."
"You don't owe him anything," Jace looked up at me from my arm, "He blamed you for something that was no fault of your own."
I pulled my sleeve back down and looked up at him, he clearly heard the conversation between Sam and I, he continued, "I know you a lot better then you think I do."
"You're a people pleaser, you hide how you feel because you're afraid of what people will think of you. You're afraid of the anger and the disappointment. You think everything you do is selfish but in reality, you're one of the most selfless people to ever live. When was the last time you cried?"
"I can't remember," I tried but failed at finding a memory, he was reading me like an open book, I couldn't tell how he knew me so well.
"You can cry, I won't be angry," his hand touched my cheek lightly, rubbing it with his thumb.
"Then you need to know that you can too," I placed my hand on top of his and let them slip down into my lap feeling Jace's eyes on me.
I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye and stared at him intertwining our fingers together, I traced one of the symbols on his wrist.
"I'm sorry...about Sam, about everything..." his eyebrows creased in the middle again.
I felt his hand on my cheek again, caressing it lightly, he was moving closer making my heart start to beat furiously.
His lips were so close to mine, I wanted to kiss him so badly, I could feel his sweet minty breath on my lips making me place my hand on his cheek.
He closed the distance between us, his lips meeting mine, his arms found themselves around my waist and mine around his neck.
He laid me down below him on the bed, never breaking the kiss, this kiss seemed to be so innocent and sweet which surprised me considering Jace was the furthest one you'd expect to act this way.
As soon as he broke the kiss he was laying down next to me with his arms around me, he covered me with the blanket and kissed my forehead.
He brushed through my hair with his lips lingering at my temple, letting me feel his breath once in a while calming me to sleep.

The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones *Jace Wayland*Where stories live. Discover now