Chapter 1 : Nightmares

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It was now nighttime and I returned to my room which was very dark. The curtains were closed, strange I'm sure it was open this morning... Whatever. I put my bag down and went straight into the shower. I didn't spend a long time inside cause I was very tired and wanted to sleep. It was an exhausting day, I searched for some work, but like usual I failed... I sighted. I went out of the bathroom with only a towel around my waist and started to sit down when someone pushed me into the floor.

Shit! Who was that? What did he want? I was very afraid and I had a lot of question passing my mind in this few seconds but didn't want to submit to my aggressor. I groaned and tried to get myself up, but he... Yeah, he was too strong and big to be she... Put his knee on my back and started to tie my hands together with some rope. Was he trying to kidnap or tie me? I froze in fear for a few seconds and stopped moving. I suppose he let his guard down since I stopped struggling, so I took this chance and flipped us over. It was now my turn to be on top and somehow succeeded to untie myself. I was lucky he didn't have time to fully tie me yet, so it was kind of easy. It was dark, so I couldn't see his face, but I still put my hands around his throat and started to strangle him a bit.

'W-Who are you and w-what do y-you want?' I asked trying to hide my fear that I miserably failed.


He still didn't respond, I was starting to loose control on myself. His silence was killing me and I started to shake in fear. Then he spoke and caught all my attention:

'You're so cute when you're afraid pet.'

I froze, I recognized this voice and my fear turned to be true. All the struggling to escape, to disappear, to forget about him now came back in an instant. I was now trembling constantly losing all control of my body, my hand let go of the man throat and all I could do was shakily say:


He easily pushed me off him and I tried to get up and run, but he got me before I could reach the door and again he pinned me to the floor.

'I let you escape the other time and look, it took me 2 years to find you. I must admit you're very good at hide and seek, but now I found you, I won't let you go, you're forever mine, pet.' he groaned next to my ear.

I couldn't talk, I was still shaking remembering all the thing he did to me. Then I felt something hit me on my neck and I was drowning in darkness. I was hoping this was only a dream, a nightmare, and I would wake up tomorrow morning in my bed all things normal.


I woke up in sweats, but I didn't open my eyes not really wanting to know what happened yesterday was a dream or reality. I was hoping for the second option. I tried to move, but then something was tugging against my wrists. I couldn't move my arms nor my legs. So I opened my eyes, but I couldn't see a damn thing! My heart started to beat faster and my breathing did the same. Fear was taking over me, it wasn't a dream? I was really back to this life, to this nightmares? I felt a tear run down my cheek, I must have cried so much that the blindfold was now soaked. I didn't realize I was already silently crying. I just lay here all limp crying out until I have no more tears to shed.

I don't know how long I was crying, bound and laying somewhere I don't know in darkness. Then I thought I heard some footsteps, but soon all sound disappeared again. Suddenly an intense light blinded me and I closed them shut and turned me head away from the light. Slowly I opened my eyes again while adapting them. I blinked a few time and I saw the white ceiling and some embedded lights. I wondered my gaze around and recognized this familiar room. I was imprisoned one year of my life here always trying to escape. Like in my memory there were no window and the only way out was the door, however, most of the time I was wearing a collar chained to the wall or just simply bound. The chain wasn't long enough to let me reach it, it was barely long enough to let me go into the bathroom.

Tears became to appear on my eyes again. One year, one year trying to escape this hell and now I was in it again. My tears were now pouring again... I wiped it away, but it immediately came back. Something moved beside me, but because of the tears, it was all blurry.

'Hush, pet.' he soothingly said while pulling me into him and gently petting my head.

I really wanted to talk back, to yell at him telling him it was because of him that I was now crying, that I was breaking from the inside. It was all HIS fault! But, I would never say it, knowing it would only push me into a punishment or him not trusting me enough to unchain me. Not that it would happen in a near future. So, I just let him pat my head like a dog, telling some soothing words, but it didn't calm me, it made me cry harder.

After I don't know how long, I finally stopped crying still in Dimitri's arms. He only stayed there all long waiting for me to stop and sometimes patted my head.

'Calmed down pet?' he asked with a gentle tone and rubbing softly my back.

I was so unnatural for me to hear such gentleness that it was scary. But I still nodded in answer, I didn't want to use my voice knowing it would be all croaky.

'Good. I have a present for you, close your eyes.' he ordered with a tone that dared me to answer back.

I nodded and closed my eyes, hoping that he wouldn't do anything harsh or hurtful to me. I heard some clinking noises and started to tremble in fear. I really wanted to open my eyes, but I managed to convince myself that if I do, then I would have a real and solid reason to fear the man.

I felt something on my neck, it was soft yet rough, cold and heavy. I froze and whimpered a collar! Then he gave me a kiss on my lips and asked access by biting my lips slightly, but I didn't open it. I heard him growl and I gasped when he pinched one of my nipple and his tongue immediately intruded my mouth. He made one thing clear when he took possession of my mouth, he was in control.

I started t moan when he played with my nipple while kissing me. Even though I didn't want it, my body decided otherwise. When he finally ended the kiss, I gasped for some air. He had a small smile on his face and he hugged me, enveloping me in his warmth.

'You're mine and I will never let you go ever again.' he whispered in my ear. 


Here it is chapter one of Forever His!

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