Chapter 4 : A reward... My escape route?

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I gasped awake in sweat and I didn't recognize this place. Where was I? I tried to go off the bed and find where was I, but I fell on the floor and heard something break. The door flew open and I saw Dimitri walking fast toward me. Then I realized where I was and I immediately went white. I looked beside me and saw food scattered on the floor. I didn't dare to look up and meet Dimitri's eyes, I was way too scared. I was trembling and I knew he would punish me for this accident. I felt his hand gently touch my head, but I still flinched.

'I-I am s-so s-so-so-sorry master! I-I'll cl-clean it r-r-right n-now!' I said panicked and moving around not knowing where to start.

'Look at me pet.' he said while stroking my head like a dog.

I froze and hesitated.

'Don't make me repeat myself.' he continued and his grip tightened.

I didn't want to make him angrier, so still trembling I looked at him. I was expecting an angry glare, but he seemed worried? Whatever emotion he was showing in his eyes was now gone and was replaced by an empty look. This was one thing I hated about this man, he could read me like an open book, but me he was a mystery.

'Good boy, listen to me carefully pet. I'm not angry at you and I know you were confused this morning. I could see it in your sleep, so I won't punish you for this. However the cut on your hand is another story.'

The cut on my hand? I broke our eye contact in order to examine it. First thing I saw was blood, my eyes widened and I dumbly looked at my wound. It seemed pretty deep! Did I cut myself when I fall or in my pathetic attempt to clean up my mess? Didn't matter now, the pain I wasn't feeling until now because I was too scared came back at a full blast. I whimpered in pain and tears menaced to fall.

'Hush pet, I got you don't worry. I'm going to take care of you.' he gently said while taking me in his strong arms.

'B-but the mess...'

'I already called a maid for that and now hush.'

He silently carried me to the annexed bathroom and put me on a counter. I obediently sat there and watched Dimitri took some bandages, a wet cloth and a bottle of alcohol. I whimpered at this thought, it would hurt.

'Give me your hand pet.' he said with a hand out waiting for me to put mine in it.

Since I didn't move, he put down the things he took and sighted.

'Pet, I know it would hurt, but if we don't disinfect it right now it would hurt a lot later.'

I still didn't move and looked down at my feet. I was trembling not only because I just disobeyed him twice, but also because of the pain it would give me if I gave him my hand.

'Pet, I will count to five and if your hand is not in mine in this lap of time, I'll have to punish you.' he said it authoritatively while taking out his phone.

My eyes widened and I immediately put my hand in his after two seconds.

'It will hurt, but don't move. Do you understand pet?'

'Yes, master.' I replied in a whisper and closed my eyes.

I first felt the cloth taking the some of the blood out of the way. When he finished that, I took a deep breath and held it when I heard him open the bottle.

'Okay pet, count to three.'

'1...' I started to slowly count trying to prepare myself for the pain when I would reach the number three.

'Try to calm down, it will hurt only for a little.' he gently said while caressing my face.


I gasped at the pain and tried to not move. I didn't even said three and he... IT HURT!!

Some tears fell down my face when he finally finished cleaning my wound. I was sniffing and let him bandage my hand.

'Here it's done. You were a very good boy, I think I will reward you now.' he said with a loving tone while he took me in his arm again bridal style. We went inside a room full of clothes and he put me on a chair. I sat there confused while Dimitri started to search for some clothes.

'Get up pet and arms up.'

I did as he said and he started to put a hoodie and jeans. I was more confused than ever, why was he dressing me? Didn't he say that I have to stay naked in the house?

'We are going outside, in a shopping mall to be more precise. You need some new clothes and other things I want to buy for you.'

'We are really going outside?' I asked not believing what he just said.

'Yes we are, but remember if you try to escape...' he took out his phone and pain shook through me for a few seconds, but I was already panting and curled into a ball. 'And you won't get the right to go outside until I trust you again. Understand pet?' he finished his sentence with a glare daring me to try.

'Yes, master.' I answered still out of breath and trembling.

'Good, let's go.' he said energetically and took my hand.

He guided me out of the house and a black Mercedes car was already waiting for us. Dimitri opened the passenger door for me and I went in. I put my seatbelt while he went to the other side and easily went in. He did the same and put the car to live and we were off to the shopping mall.

Maybe if I find a way to get this collar off or a way to steal his phone then maybe I'll be able to escape. It was worth trying... Maybe...

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