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"Did you get it?" Zayn asks, foot on the ground, the other one on his knee. He drags out a long exhale of smoke as he eyes his partner.

"Yeah, stop bugging, ill give it to you when you bother to pay me." Harry says plopping down beside his 'friend'.

He and Zayn have been friends since freshman year, in their sophomore year they liked to sneak out and attend the seniors parties, this is the year Harry lost his virginity to a fit blonde girl. The blonde that is currently with Zayn.

Being seniors now, they know how easy it is to make someone like a freshman to do stuff for you, considering they are already fighting their way to be liked in middle school. Its the perfect bait for a fish. Make them think they will be more 'popular' or 'known' if they get seniors asking them for favors.

'Freshmen are friends, not food'  That's the most ironic thing Harry has ever seen, he and Zayn had a proper laugh over it.

"Who was the one that helped you pay off ya car debt?" Zayn asks nonchalantly, giving Harry the side eye.

"Zayn." Harry says, tiredness written all over the tone of his voice. He hates when Zayn does this. Zayn knows that Harry needs the money for things exactly like that. Why the fuck is he always trying to avoid helping out his friend.

"What about I pay you half of what I promised, yeah?" Zayn tries to compromise, because he honestly doesn't have the money he's asking for.

"Whatever, then I get to keep half of what you got me to go after." Harry says, "Wouldn't mind getting a bit high this weekend."

"Now you're just trying to piss me off, Harry I need all of it." Zayn says, a bit more sternness picking up in his smoke clad voice.

"Then get me my damn money." Harry says, getting up and grabbing his already opened beer bottle, chugging a drink of it, times like this; he feels higher, because he knows he's right.

What most people didn't think Harry was, was smart. Because all he does is smoke and get into deep shit wherever he goes. Not to mention fuck every boy or girl that comes along.

Of course only the fit ones and he made sure to deny they're number or requests for his own.

Harry never felt weak or anything close to it and that's why he so domestic in bed, or so he thinks thats why, but he just knows that he doesn't want anyone bossing him around or telling him when he is doing something wrong. No way he would go a second hearing someone scold him.

Harry has a lot of respect towards himself from other people, he isn't exactly sure why though, he's an asshole for what it's worth.

He has a thing for protecting people he loves, and yes, he would protect Zayn if it came to that because no matter how irritating he is he loves him and he would never let anyone hurt him if he was there and able to prevent it.

Harry makes all A's and though while this is a 'surprise',  it really isn't,  if you take the time to get to know him ,you would realize that he is smart, despite his drug addiction and crude language.

He has his priorities and minorities, if you want to call it that. His priorities would be his sister, Zayn, and school. Believe this or not, but his minorities list contains his likings for drugs and sexual intercourse.

"Harry, look bro, I'm sorry, I just don't have it on me, Nathan didn't pay last week for the sweets." Zayn puts his cig out, exhaling once more has he looks at his taller, younger friend. Zayn can already see the disapproval on Harry's face.

"What? Then why the fuck are you going to give him what I gotcha?" Harry slurs, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"He said he'd pay back what he didn't give last time, and double it this time around." Zayn doesn't believe Nathan for a second, but he can take what he gets from anyone.

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