The Talk.

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Sabrina point of view
So about that talk..." Peyton smiles shyly.
Rowan and Corey smiles even wider.
Jake walks in and smirks.
All the attention is on me.

"Yeah Sabrina tell us about that talk."
Jake smirked
I glared at him making him chuckle.

"Well um.. Ugh.." I stutter
I run to my room.

Peyton follows me and before I can shut the door, he slides in the door.

"Dang it." I mumble
"Sabrina you can tell me." He smiles slightly but then stops himself

"Well umm, Rowan heard that face time call we had and she gushed, she said that we should date because of the way we look at each other, and she said that, I like you and that you liked me, but I said that you didn't, then that's when you came in."I say calmly

"And who said I didn't like you?" He asks looking at me

"Well I don't know, I mean you're you and I'm me." I shrug sitting down on my bed.

"Well what am I?" He ask sitting down in front of me, in my desk chair.

"I mean you're really,nice,funny,genuine,cheerful,
adorable,lovable,welcoming, and you're really cute." I say looking down at the ground.

He stands up and kneels down to my face and picks my face up with his two fingers below my chin.

"And what are you?" He asks looking straight in my eyes
"None of those things." I say looking at him
"You're way more of those things, Sabrina you're perfect." He smiles letting go of my chin.

"But I thought you could never like me." I say looking up at him

"Well I do." He smiles

"You do?" I smile

"Yes, I do. Sabrina why don't we go out?" He asks shyly

"Well I want to, but I don't know Peyton. I just feel since we are co stars,  drama will be the thing we will have the most and right now as best friends we are perfectly fine." I tell him

"Yeah you're right." He smiles
"So best friends, well for now?" I smile asking him

"Yeah." He nods and I get up.

I hug him and he hugs me back but I of course have to get on my tip toes.

We separate and open the door.
Rowan,Jake,Corey, fall inside the room.
"WE WEREN'T EAVESDROPPING!" Rowan yells and runs out the room.
With Corey and Jake running behind her.

I chuckle and Peyton does too.

"FOOD!" I shout and sit on a counter chair.

We all start to eat.
Ariana wasn't home she was out doing a concert.

We finish eating and I get a call as soon as I finish.
I turn around and walk to a small hallway.

"Hello?" I say
"Hey." A girls voice says
"Hey, who is this?" I ask the girl
"Um Layla, Layla Carpenter." The girl says
"Layla? You mean um Layla as in Justin's twin sister?" I ask trying not to panic.
"Yes, are you Sabrina?" Layla ask
"Yeah." I say coldly
"I'm you're sister, can I talk to Justin?" The voice asks
"No you can't." I say coldly
"Why is that?" She ask me
"He's dead." I say trying not to yell
"What?! How?!" She ask
"Murdered. And what makes you think that if he were alive, I would let you talk to him?!" I ask her.
"Because I have the right to." She says
"No you don't, you left us. They made you chose and you chose to leave him." I say coldly
"But I, I." She stutters
"You what?!" I yell
"Can we meet up?" She ask me
"Yeah come over to my place so we can talk." I say gritting my teeth.
I tell her our address and hang up.

I turn around and everyone is looking at me.

"Who was that?"  Jake asks
"Layla..."  I say looking down

"Layla as in Layla you're sister?" Rowan asks getting closer to me

"Yeah." I nod slightly

"The girl that decided to leave Justin when you were little for you're rich aunt?!" Peyton says trying not to yell.
I nod.

"And why'd she call?" Rowan ask
"She wanted to talk to Justin." I say looking at her

"And?" Corey ask
"I told her what happened, and she's coming over." I say looking at them.
"WHAT?!" They all shout.

End of Chapter

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