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Sabrina point of view
"So Sabrina aren't you going on that date with Bradley?" Rowan asks
"No, well not today." I say
"Why not?" Rowan says
"Well I don't want to leave Pey here alone." I say
"I won't be alone, you should go." He says with no emotion.
"You sure?" I ask
He nods.
"Ok I'll call him." I say getting up.
I walk into my room and dial his number.
"Hey." He says
"Hi Bradley, well actually we can go on that date today." I say
"That's great! I'll pick you up later." He says
"Great, bye." I say hanging up.
I look around for an outfit, I find one and change then do my makeup.
I get done and walk out to the living room were everyone else is and sit down.
Peyton doesn't turn to look at me, well he might just be distracted or something.
"So when you leaving?" Rowan ask as I get a text.
"Well he actually just told me he's here." I smile
Peyton looks up then back down.
I quickly look at him then walk out.
I get in his car and we drive away.

Peyton point of view
I should've told her to stay here, but I didn't and know she's out with Bradley.
I'm not hurt, I'm just, I don't know .
I look around at everyone and they all smile.
"We need snacks." Rowan says jumping out of her seat.
"Why would we?" I ask looking back up.
"Because we are all going to watch Netflix and eat." She smiles
I chuckle.
"Ok." I shrug
"So you coming?" She ask
"Sure." I say getting up.
"You need to drive anyway." She says and I chuckle.
We get into my car and I start to drive.

Sabrina point of view
We decided to go penny boarding together.
We get to the park.
I soon get on my penny board and he does too.
"So for how long have you been penny boarding?" He asks me
UGH our conversations are so BORING, I like him and all but I just get bored with our conversations, me and Peyton when we talk it comes naturally.
"For about two years." I say as we begin to penny board.
"Cool." He smiles
I smile back.

{15 minutes later}
We decide to get on the swings.
This park is by the road so people who pass by can see us, which is weird but whatever.
He pushes me and I giggle.

Peyton point of view
We get to the store.
Rowan and I look at each other and we soon know what to do.
I run to get a cart and Rowan get's in it.
"TO THE SNACK SHELVES !" She yells and points like a super hero would and I laugh.
I quickly get to the snack shelves and we look around, throwing things in the cart.
After a while of getting a whole lot of snacks we go to the cashier.
I pay and we get out with bags of snacks.
Back in my car now and we're back on the road.
We stop by some park at the stop light.
I turn to look and I see some blonde girl being pushed on a swing by some guy.
I look closer and realize it's Sabrina.
I look and suddenly I hear beeping.
I drive still with my head turned.
"PEYTON!" Rowan yells
A car is about to crash into us.
I stop and Rowan gasp.
"Wow." She says
"Sorry." I say
"It's fine! Let's just get home so we can't eat!" She says happily.
We soon get home.
We all pick out a movie and make popcorn.
Rowan sits next to me and we start to eat the junk food.
"You saw Sabrina and Bradley too right?" She whispers leaning towards me.
I nod quickly and she chuckles.
1 hour later

Sabrina point of view
I open the door to the apartment.
"Hey guys." I smile at them, there eating and watching Netflix.
"Hey." They all say looking at the screen.
I chuckle and go into my room.
My date with Bradley went really well actually we know can have better conversations.

I change and back into the living room.
"Can I join?" I ask
"Of course." They all say.
I sit next to Corey and they put on another movie.
I smile at my best friends and begin to watch the movie.
I got distracted as I saw that Peyton was looking at the screen and his eyes sparkled he laughed slightly, were watching a movie with Adam Sander in it so it's a comedy.
End of chapter
(The picture is there apartment, I realized I never showed it)

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