Visit hours

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Sabrina point of view
I woke up and realized that today I was visiting Selena.

I got up and chose some clothes then took a shower.
I got out and did my hair and makeup.

I slipped my shoes on and walked to the kitchen.
"Hey" Rowan said putting a spoonful of cereal in her mouth
"Hey Row you ready?" I asked grabbing my phone.
"Yeah" she nodded
We walked out, I have to admit I'm nervous.
I got inside my car and Rowan got in the front seat with me.
"You nervous?" I asked her putting the key in the engine.
"Kinda yeah." She answered
"Why? you shouldn't be Row." I asked starting to drive turning the wheel
"Yeah, I mean she's my step sister and I don't know." She shrugged
"Well it's on a phone one I'm not sure what they call it." I said
"Oh so she can't hurt us?" She asked
"Yeah I guess." I answered stopping at a red light.
"Why aren't Peyton and Corey coming?" She asked looking out the window
"Because one there busy and two only two people on visiting hours." I answered starting to drive again.
"Oh ok, it's just nerve wrecking." She said back chuckling a little.
"Yeah kinda." I chuckled driving still
After about 10 minutes we got there.
"Ready Row?" I asked her
She nodded and we got out and grabbed our purses.
We walked into the office.
I walked up to the counter with Rowan behind me.
"Hello we are here to see Selena Blanchard." I told the lady behind the counter.
"Okay." The lady said checking on her computer.
"Sabrina Carpenter and Rowan Blanchard?"She asked us looking up from her computer
"Yes" I answered
"Ok you will go on the phone booths, on the 8th one ok?" She asked
"Yeah ok" I nodded
"Go turn a left then a right and the guards will show you were to go." She said
"Ok thanks." I said before walking with Rowan.
We made a left then a right.
We saw the guards.
"Visiting?"  One of them asked
"Yes." I answered
"Who and what are you're names?" He asked
"Selena Blanchard and I am Sabrina Carpenter and this is." I said pointing to Rowan.
"Rowan Blanchard." She said
"Ok follow me." He said walking across booths.
He pointed towards one , Rowan and I sat down.
Selena then came with a cop behind her.
She sat down and glared at us, I didn't miss this.
She picked up her phone. Rowan and I had two one for each of us.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" She asked almost yelling.
"Nice to see you too." Rowan said sarcastically
I chuckled
"Why are you sending people to get Ariana?" I asked glaring at her
"She's the one I've wanted to get back at." She smirked
" You are disgusting." Rowan said glaring leaning in towards the frame.
"Wow little sis you're so sweet." She said getting close to the frame
"You'll never get her." I said
"Oh yes I will." She responded fast
"No you haven't succeeded to get one of us yet the people you send are a waste, maybe you could do you're own dirty work if you hadn't acted like a idiot." I hissed
She punched the frame over and over.
Blood smeared all over.
She made it open up.
She jumped at me.
End of chapter

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