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Sabrina pov
I did my photo shoot and we all have to get on a plane to CALIFORNIA!
I ran downstairs with a small suitcase and set it with the others we were staying for a week
We all soon got in Peyton's car and we drove to the airport.
We got there and into the plane, me and Rowan sat next to each other meanwhile the boys sat together.
It is a three hour flight.
Me and Rowan shared a blanket and we each had a pillow. I put my phone on airplane mode and started to play a game. Rowan was reading a book she has on her phone.
After a hour we both got bored.
Rowan-How much is left?
Sabrina-Two hours
We had a small conversation.
After the two longest hours ever we had finished our flight we got off the plane and into our assigned cab. We got to the suites
It had two beds one for me and Rowan and one for the boys. Jake stayed in New York he had a job
We set our stuff there it was now 1pm we got to Disney World and we had to do the interviews Peyton went off and did a photo shoot here. We got here and we started.
No Sarah in this.
I love her but it doesn't go with my story.
We all got done.
Then we met up with Peyton and we ate FOOD.
We went to Disney World and hung out and got on rides.
It was fun.
It was a good day.
Sorry for short chapter and NO drama I have my ways of teasing you guys! But yes there will be more drama and longer chapters! BYEEE

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