Falling in Love with my Best Friend part 23

Start from the beginning

"OHMIGAWD ARE YOU OKAY CHASE?!!"Jennifer screeched in my ear.

She probably didn't have him cross her mind once while she was drunk at the parties.

I wondered how the heck she found put before I realized that her father was chief of police.

She must have found out and ran her mouth around the school.

Chase gave her a mere nod before making his way to the soccer team where they all looked concerned.

They all gave us warm greetings before asking us how we were.

I shrugged and directed the attention to Chase's crutches.

"Aw man, dude you were the main person scoring!!" one of his friends, I think Jeff whined.

"Yea well I can't play for the rest of the season," he said pissed.

Groans from the rest of the team echoed as they tried keeping Chase happy.

We got continuous attention from all the teachers and students, and I was holding Chase's books as

well as my own.

I gave a long sigh. The end of the year better come, and soon. I really want summer.

My heart twinged once I realized it's my last summer with Chase.

Chase POV (I'm skipping months btw)

The days soon passed by in a blur.

I got accepted into all colleges, so I'm choosing the pennsylvania one. It's easier and I don't need to dorm.

With my scores I was able to get a scholarship, although Bill says I'm "financially covered".

Speaking of Bill and Mom, they decided to postpone the party until I was able to walk.

My wounds already healed, I just need to keep the bandage around my leg until the bone strcture apparently is complete, so doctor said in around a week.

The party is in two weeks, and it's a day after my graduation.

I know Jess was anxious as to which college I'm going to, I still didn't tell her, I wanted it to be a surprise.

For some reason something kept knawing at her, like she's hiding something from me.

I need to tell her I love her. I mean, I have all the time in the world, so I'm certainly not going to rush it,

I don't wanna rush her. I'm not nervous, cuz I know I can't be with any other girl but Jess. She's mine. And I don't plan on sharing either. I've kissed her before,

she never pulled away, and the last time I did it she responded just as eagerly.

And everyone says we might as well be together. But I think it would kill me if she doesn't feel the same way.



Here we all were, to celebrate Chase going to college.

Good? Hell no.

I was in a gold sequin dress, that casually slung over my shoulder,

but enough so that nothing can be revealed. I wore some black flats, and did my hair in a way that

the waves were cascading down my back.

I knew Chase hated my makeup, saying I don't need it and all, so I kept it simple with some eyeliner to make my dark eyes pop.

Falling In Love with my Best Friend (COMPLETED, just editing)Where stories live. Discover now