Falling in Love with my Best Friend part 5

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Chase POV (dreamy sigh)

I took a couple of deep breaths, still hyperventilating from the kiss.

That was selfish of me

to do, hoping that she would have wanted it. When her expression now

clearly shows not. It's just that these feelings for her have been

stifled for so long, I took out all my love for her desperately in

that kiss. I shouldn't have said anything. Just thinking of her dark

shining eyes, her soft red lips, the perfect hourglass body, her toned

thighs, all just gets me more excited each time.

Her groan during the kiss got me thinking that she was enjoying it,

and digging her nails into my shoulder thought she was urging me on, along with her arms on my chest.

When in real life she was trying to get me away.

I groaned in frustration, went down the stairs, slipped and fell down.

My jeans slipped off my hips slightly, making my buldge a bit bigger.

Jess came over and her eyes widened as she saw it, and a blush formed along my cheeks, and I tried to draw attention away from it.

"See? I think I just got hard for you," I said jokingly.

Her eyes were rock solid, showing no signs of amusement.

"I'm sorry okay? It was just that-"

"Chase just leave I need some time to think."

"Should I come back at night?" I asked feeling hopeless and depressed, really hating myself now. When was the last time I kissed a girl? Years ago,

and I probably sucked terribly at it.

"I don't think you should."

Rejection hurts, and I felt torn apart, especially since it's the girl I love that's turning me down. I can't sleep without her

warmth and body in my arms, I had gotten so used to it since I asked to sleep with her after I broke up with Jennifer.

"Okay," I whispered, trying to hold back my emotions.

Outside, it was gloomy and raining, the rain mixing in with my light

tears. Holding emotions back is so hard, I don't know how Jess does

it. She's been able to perfect it since she was eleven, when her

parents were murdered in front of her own eyes. They were the owners

of a wealthy industry, and she was going to inherit it. Which she did

of course. I never forgot the look in her eyes. She kept to herself

majority of the time, and had became a dark, quiet girl. It took forever

for me to break down some of her guards. Her aunt comes and checks up

on her, eluding the court into thinking that she lived with Jess. She

pays the bills

and everything so I guess that works.

My life isn't the sweetest either, but it's no where near as cold and empty as

Jess's. My mom remarried after dad walked out. The guy is majority of

the time drunk, but I stay out of his way most of the time. I don't

bring Jess there either, who knows what he might try. But my mom,

Hanna, loves Jess like her daughter. She checks up on her more than

her aunt does. Which Jess is thankful for, but every time my mom and I have a moment, like me hugging her, or telling her I love her, Jess would get that longing far away look in her eyes, and I knew if she was asked to give everyhting up just to see them, she would. I crashed onto bed, clutching a pillow, trying to

sleep. But the pillow doesn't fit against me. Nor does it smell like

her. Her scent was just a light trace of something too good to describe, but it has her shampoo mixed with her body gel. She never was the type to drench herself in perfume. I went through my closet and rummaged through until I found her

'I'M ALL SASS BABY" tshirt. I clutched it to me, and eventually dosed

off, inhaling her Cherry blossom scent, really missing her.

Falling In Love with my Best Friend (COMPLETED, just editing)Where stories live. Discover now