That was the thing about Astrid: she was always smiling.

"Mhmm." Sebastian finally muttered in response to his wife. He didn't know how to feel about his little boy having a girlfriend (but he sure as hell wasn't excited about it).

"Hey." Astrid hit Sebastian playfully with her hand. "Don't be so gloomy. He seems happy about it."

Sebastian shrugged but sighed. He then turned to see his wife, and his face lit up in a smile.

"You're right." He laughed. "But it seems that he'll be such a Casanova."

Astrid grinned back at this. She didn't know how her son would be in the future, but she sure as hell knew that she hadn't been whatever a "Casanova" meant back in her days.

"In any case, he got those Casanova gifts from you, sir." She joked, but they both knew she was right.

Sebastian had been a charmer since the day he had been born. He knew that he could get any girl, so he made sure to get Astrid as soon as he met her.

"Let's just hope that he uses them correctly." He laughed again, but this time full heartedly. Astrid loved how his nose would scrunch and his green eyes would glisten when he chuckled like this.

"So, Li, have you met Hana's parents before?" Astrid called out to her son.

Liam had just mentioned his parents that he had been dating this girl for three months now. Truth was that he wouldn't have told them just yet, but Hana's parents wanted to meet Liam's, and Liam couldn't say no. He'd had to finally talk to his parents about his girlfriend, and then invite them to her house.

"Mhmm." He replied simply, and Astrid turned around to see her son.

"You know you can tell us, Li. We won't get angry or anything."

"I know." He spoke. "I just don't know."

Even though he didn't make sense, Astrid knew better than to keep talking to Liam.

There was a lengthy pause in the car. No one dared to speak a word.

"I call her Astrid though." Liam completed out of the blue, making his mum turn around and see him. "It's her middle name, and she likes it more than the first one."

Astrid just smiled at this. Looking at her son (and even more when he seemed this happy) made her jolly.

"Well, that's a very lovely name." Sebastian contorted, his eyes still on the road. He was hanging tight onto the steering wheel of his Porsche Panamera.

"I told her that it was your name, mum." Liam added, a shy smile on his face. "She said her Godfather's called like me, too."

"That's amazing, sweetie." Astrid smiled, just as Sebastian's car started making a halt at the doors of a closed urbanization.

"Is it here, Li?" Sebastian talked to his son.

"Yeah." The kid responded quickly. "Password is 1902."

Sebastian laughed lowly to then add. "He's been here so many times that he knows the password by heart."

"I know the password by heart because it happens to be mum's birthday's date, too." Liam talked, and just then both his parents realized that he was right.

February the 19th was the date of Astrid's birthday.

After typing the password, the doors opened automatically and Sebastian started driving his Porsche Panamera inside the place. Astrid noted that most of the houses looked like hers, nothing too special.

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