Chapter 13~ To the Mall!!

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Hi my readers!! Sorry I couldn't do a double update... School..... But hey I tried my best to make this chapter extra long :D hope you enjoy :)
Suzy's POV

We all left to the car same seating position as we came in except we dropped off Woohyun And Sungyeol at some fan meet stage thingy

"Your gonna see when we go back home......" Sungyeol told me in a low voice

What the heck?

"Anyways... Suzy do you have anything left to do? I really wanna go to the mall... Or maybe the movies!!" America asked already planning

"Mm yea I'm pretty sure I'm done"

"Yay!!! So then we go back to the dorm get ready by like 2?"

"Sure :)"

We got home and we both got ready to go the mall.... I was really excited since I hadn't gotten out much since I got here, other than it being work related... When I heard a knock on the door

"Oh Hoya come in I guess" I welcomed him in the room while I was brushing my hair
America was taking a shower and Sungjong was in the room also looking at videos in his laptop

Hoya sat on my bed,"You guys going somewhere?"
"Yea me and America wanna go to the mall.."
"Ooh can I come???" Hoya said right away
"Hey I wanna go to!!" Sungjong looked up from his laptop
"I'm sure but wait hold on I gotta ask America"

I yelled from the room...


"Yea you can come.. Just be ready by 2"
"Kk^^" they both answered and started getting ready

We all pretty much met in the living room... Me and America were wearing our average clothes but Hoya was wearing a beanie and black sunglasses and Sungjong was wearing a hoodie jacket with yellow glasses

"Why costumes?" America asked
"Cause we don't wanna get recognized!" They both answered
"Ohhhhhh" me and America realized

Aaron for some weird reason had left really early in the morning saying he was going to run some errands... So Hoya was left to drive us to the mall even though his license was way past expired

When we got to the mall we all stuck together till we got to a store that was filled with women's stuff Hoya felt a bit uncomfortable so he stayed with Sungjong at the food court ordering some food for us all

"Hi! Did you get my food?" America said right away as she spotted Hoya and Sunjong at a table
"You mean OUR food I'm hungry to!!"
"Yep here you go" Hoya handed us our food

"Soooooooo...... Let's talk about how Sungyeol and Suzy are totally in love" Hoya said as he was chewing on some French fries.
"I KNOW RIGHT!!" America agreed right away
"What?! No!!! Nada que ver!!!" (Spanish slang for saying something isn't true)
"America what did she say??" Sungjong asked not understanding
"Ay she is just denying it!!!!!"
"Come on just admit it Suzy!! It's LOOOOVE" Hoya teased me also
"Guys...." I blushed

"Oh oh!! She's blushing! She totally likes him!!" America poked me

"Alright..... Yea yea I like him.... He was my bias since the beginning.... And ever since I came here yea I liked him.... But you guys better not say anything!!!!"

"I won't!! I knew it all a long I TOLD U!!" America ate her burger and bragged
"I promise I won't tell noona you can trust me" Sungjong replied

"Yea I won't tell..... For now..."



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