Chapter 12~ What the heck?

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CHESOMNIDA I AM SO SUPER SORRY!!! I COMPLETELY forgot to update /.\ please forgive me _;)school is just being too much SORRY.....

Suzy's POV

Wahhh I must be the luckiest girl in the world I work with a bunch of Korean Asian men ;)!!!(I wish /.\)

Soon after that we started on the shoot

"Alright Bambam and Jr you guys are up first!" I said starting off

The shoot went pretty smoothly if I do say so myself when it was time for lunch break America got here.

"HIII SUZY.... How's the shoot going??? I brought you chips!!"

"Ah hehe thanks!!! And yep it's going pretty good we are on lunch break now wanna join us?

"Duh..." America said always hungry

We both walked in on Got7 changing

"OMG" I yelled freaking out..... THEY WERE SHIRTLESS DANG.....
America wouldn't close the whole door..... She closed it slower... Slower.... And slower.....


"Okay okay!!!"

"Well that was interesting 😅" I said nervously... Wanting to open the damn door again

I knocked on the door, "You guys done yet?"
"NO!..PERVERTS! Yah!! You guys better not come in again we'll sue you!!" We heard Jb and Jackson yell through the door.
"Alright alright don't worry geez" we both yelled wanting to laugh

"Hi! Why aren't you guys going in?" Hoya asked us while Sungyeol, Woohyun, and Aaron came shortly after
"Oh cause Got7 is changing in there and we accidentally walked in on them" I explained
"....'Accidentally'....." Sungyeol suspiciously said.
"Yes accidentally!!! Although we did enjoy the view..." America admitted
"America shhhh gross XD" I said as I pushed her playfully

We were all just waiting to enter...

"Yah! What's taking so long! We wanna eat!!!!" Sungyeol started kicking the door a lot

"Oh yeaaaaa you guys are still outside? Come in!" Jr opened the door
"What took you so long!?" America grabbed a cup of instant noodles and started making it for herself

"Oh hah funny story... We sorta kind of forgot you guys were even out there..."

"AISH whatever just let us in we're hungry!!!" We all just went in there and grabbed food
After eating, back to the shoot

I continued shooting pictures for Got7. Surprisingly they're really good models for rookies!!!
They also wanted me to help out for their teaser for their next comeback! It'll be for 3 months from now but I'm still excited!

"Suzy who do you need next cause Jackson has to leave for his schedule" Jb directly came and asked me

"Oh! I don't mind taking his pictures let me just finish up with Yugyeom and Youngjae I'll call him up in a sec ok?"

I continued on with my business until I finished with Yugyeom and Youngjae

"Aaron!! Can you call Jackson for me pleaasseeee?"
"Sure" He quickly went to the dressing room
Surely Jackson came in shortly

"Thank you for helping us out so last minute Suzy!! I'll do my best! Now what do I do?"
"Oh well just go stand over there and act hot(?) well actually act natural while trying to act the slightest sexy... Like don't go full on American dirty way just.... Slightly"

"Ahh I got you ;)"

Uh no need for that wink that made my legs go all wobbly excuse you Jackson

"Is this good?" Jackson said as he was making the pose for his probably future underwear commercial

I started blushing as he would stick out his tongue sexually,"oymygosh.. Yea that's good...."

Unexpectedly someone took of me camera from my hands

"Yah! I don't think this is appropriate!!"
Sungyeol's POV

We were watching Suzy do her thing till she called out Aaron to call Jackson. When Jackson came they seemed to be discussing what to do...... Suddenly he was on the floor doing this nasty pose!!! Wha the heck!!

"Yah Hoya go stop her!!! Or Woohyun!"
"No let her, it's her job" Hoya answered
"Suzy and Jackson sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g..... Someone is jealous!!!" Woohyun and Hoya teased me
"SO?! WHAT IF I AM!!!"

That's it. I stood up. And went to take the camera from her. When I got behind her I was a bit hesitant but still I took it!!!

"Yah! I don't think this is appropriate!!"

"Sungyeol what are you doing??! Give me back the camera!!" She whispered loudly to me

"No!! It's too much for you I'll do it!"

"Sungyeol no! I'm getting payed for this they hired ME!"

"Nope!!" I raised my arm as high up as I could

"Uhh what's taking so long?" Bambam and JB came over

"Yea give back the camera sungyeol!!" Jackson impatiently said..

"I don't want to!!" I stuck out my tongue at all of them

Suddenly I didn't have the camera in my hand anymore

Aaron took it away
Suzy's POV
This choding Sungyeol!! He is gonna break the damn camera!!!

"Sungyeol give it back!!" I jumped up and down trying to get it!

"No I don't want to!!" Sungyeol put his hand as high as he could...

But suddenly I just see a hand grab the camera from behind... It was Aaron!! :D

"Hey! Just give her the camera back dude.. She's working.." He kindly gave me the camera and whispered to me if I wanted Sungyeol escorted out of the building

"Nah I'm ok just keep him over there..." I pointed where Woohyun and Hoya were and they were laughing their asses off
"Yah don't touch me!!!" Sungyeol argued he just walked over there defeated

I took some final shots

"Ok you're good Jackson you're free to go :)"

"Pft of course I'm good... Anyways gamsamnida Suzy!!! I'll be going first now.. take care!!"

"Aw your so nice arasso you take care to!" I yelled to Jackson as he fled quickly out the building to his next schedule
"Alright guys I think we are done!!!" I announced proudly
"FINALLY!!! IM STARVING!!" Most of the people I came with were complaining except Aaron
"We literally just ate like 4 hours ago guys....."

"Haha anyways thank you so very much Suzy for coming over last minute we really hope to work with you in the future!! GAMSAMNIDA!!" Their manager announced

"No problem at all just call if you guys need anything!!"

"Here I wanted to give you this for being my fan..." Bambam handed me a silver bracelet that had "BamBam💗" incraved on it

"Awwwww it's so pretty thank you!!" I hugged him

"Eyyy come on you love birds! Woohyun and I have a schedule next!!" Sungyeol started whining

"Thanks once again bambam and you guys to I had so much fun I hope to work with you guys again :)" I said thankful

We all left to the car same seating position as we came in except we dropped off Woohyun And Sungyeol at some agency

"Your gonna see when we go back home......" Sungyeol told me in a low voice

What the heck?
Eyyyy sorry I had to cut it here!! I'll try my best for double update next week since I forgot last week..... While writing this I got a infinite jacket from a friend omg haha XD..... Anyways please stay with me till the end my readers 💗 :)

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