Chapter 3~ Missed call

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* Suzy's POV *
After Aaron texted me the number I decided to call back.

"Ah yes do you speak English?"
"Yes yes"
"Uh I received a missed call from this number"
"Oh yea are you Suzy?"
"Yea this is she, who is this"
"Rap Monster"
"Oh Namjoon from Bts you know...Kpop"
"OHHH I know you!!"
"Yea haha uh I was wondering if you could be our photographer and infinite's as well"
"Wait... INFINITE?!"
"Yea.. Well if you accept you are going to take pictures of us at the photo shoot and infinite will be there as well to check you out."

No way this is happening no way.

"Yes of course!!! I'd love to go!! But when where why how??!!!"
"Oh don't worry our manager will call you later on to give you the details"
'Thank you so much!'
'No problem I'm sorry but I'm really busy right now so I'll see you soon then'
'Oh it's okay and yea hopefully see you soon byebye'

No way.

* Sung Yeol's POV *
I heard Sungjong's phone ring and quickly snatched from his hands not recognizing the number.

"Ooooooh Sungjong who is this your girlfriiiieeennnd????!!!"
"Hyung! You didn't even let me see the number! Give it back!!"
"Nu-uh you'll have to catch me to get it!" I said as I ran to the other side of the room.

I suddenly felt him tugging on my wrist but I wouldn't give up yet so I put my hand up high so he wouldn't reach it.

"Hyung!!! Give it!!"
"Sungyeol! Give the kid his phone back!" I heard sunggyu scream at me as he walked in
"Alright alright here"
Sungjong calls back the number not knowing who it is

"Yobuseyo?... Mhm? Yes? Yes he is right here?"
"Sungyeol hyung it's for you 😒"

For me?

"Yea?" I spoke into the phone
"Sungyeol!! Why don't answer your phone I've been trying to contact you!!"

"Ohhhh Jin it's you!!" Sorry heh I lost my phone what's up?"
"Oh well just wanted to let you know that we got her!"
"Got who?"
"Oh that lady oh really?? Ahh thanks guys!"
"No problem we'll call you out Wednesday she'll be arriving then."
"Ah ok Jin thanks!!"

"GUYS GET IN HERE I HAVE SOME NEWS" I yelled as I hung up the phone.
"Yah!! Sungyeol what's with all the ruckus?!" I heard woohyun yell at me as they all entered.
"Well Suzy is arriving in Korea Wednesday"
"WOOHYUN!!" We all yelled

Seriously he can get carried away sometimes!!

"So hyung what's the plan"
"Oh yea ahem Sunggyu tell them the plan"
"-__- .... There is no plan guys what the heck we just go to bts's photo shoot on Wednesday and check whether we want her or not...
* Suzy's POV *
I waited anxiously for their managers call. I watched a few episodes of Sensory Couple.... No call.. I showered... No call....
When I was starting fall asleep I got a call!!!


"Mrs. Suzy?"
"Oh........Aaron it's you what's up?"
"Did you call back the number I texted you?"
"AH YES!!! It was from a really popular kpop group called bts they want ME to take pictures at their photo shoot!!"
"Oh really??? That's really great Mrs. Suzy!"
"Now that I have u on the line Aaron you don't mind coming over for a bit? I need to talk to you about some stuff but I'm sorta wating on their manager to call back"
"Ah yes Mrs. Suzy no problem I'll be on my way"
*hangs up*

*knocks on door*
"Wah Aaron that was quick.."
"Haha of course now what happened?!"

I explained everything to him

"But Mrs. Suzy what does this have to do with me?"
"Weeelllllll you are my assistant so I was wondering if perhaps you'd like to come..."
"REALLY??? You'd take me???!!"
"Haha of course Aaron you deserve it!!"
"Thank you thank you!!"

As he was thanking me I heard my phone ring!
"Ah yes am I talking to Suzy from the U.S?"
"Yes!! Me is she!!! She is me!! I mean *ahem* Yes?"
"Ah well do you accept to come to our photo shoot and perhaps by infinite's photographer as well?"
"Yes of course!"
"Ah well thank you we all appreciate it! We will ship the airplane tickets as soon as possible.. You will board a plane Tuesday afternoon and will be arriving at Wednesday morning... There I will be picking you up. Questions?"
"Ah yes uh can I perhaps take two more along with me?"
"Yes of course but who are these people may I ask?"
"One being my best friend and the other being my assistant/ friend."
"Ah yes of course"
"Oh and where will I be staying?"
"You have a choice whether you want to stay in a hotel, at the company with bts, with Infinite (they're manager is as well informed of all of this btw), or at a friend/relatives house."
"Yes ok I understand how long would we be staying?"
"Eh if I were you I'd pack to be here for 2 months."


"Yeah I've heard your pretty good you COULD get hired by Infinite as well..."
"Yes I heard.."
"Well Suzy I've gotta go now, I hope to see you soon!"
"Yes I understand thank you!!"
*hangs up*
"MRS. SUZY??!!! So are we going??!!!"
Me and him started jumping up and down XD

* Sungyeol's POV *
"Hey let's see how well we actually is taking photos, sungjong google her again!" Sunggyu commanded him.
"Yah don't you think that's a bit to much we might have to turn you in for stalking......"
"Whatever woohyun if anybody would stalk her it's you 😂"
I see Sungjong typing in her name on my laptop some a list of names appears.
"Oh hyung there is a bunch of people she has taken pictures of!!"
"Hmm Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Nikki Minaj..."
"Woah woah wait click on the Nikki pictures.." Dongwoo said sunddenly.
"Why hyung?"
"You know.... She has big bo-"
"Ah sorry it's not like your THAT young 😂"
"Forget it guys lets go to bed we have to be well rested for the shoot anyways ~"
Sunggyu said as he walked out of my room followed by the other members
Finally updated sorry the chapter erased so I had to redo it 😅 hope you enjoyed ^^

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