Chapter eighty-one - Breaking down & breaking away

Start from the beginning

"Whatever." Zayn shrugged.

At that moment, Zayn was a mixture of feelings that not even he could describe. He was sad for not having talked to Astrid in weeks, and he was also mad that she had not called him yet. Above everything else, he was confused. The next day would be his birthday, and even though he didn't use to celebrate it with a big party, he liked being recognized.

"Chill, bro." Niall laughed obnoxiously. "Everything will end up great."

"Shut up, blondie." Zayn coughed.

"Stop insulting Nialler and go get ready, Malik." Harry spoke, dimples showing.



11:56 PM, JANUARY 11TH (GMT +4)

"ARE YOU WITH ME, DUBAI?" Harry screamed and the crowd cheered back. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU! I ASKED, ARE YOU WITH ME, DUBAI?" This time the crowd shot back their response, shouting their lungs out.

"Well, now that we have that cleared out." Harry continued. "I want you to shout out loud for my pal Zayn right here." He laughed. "That'll be turning one year older today."

The crowd kept screaming, Zayn faked a smile, but it was more than obvious that he didn't want to be there.

"Now the question is... where is Liam?" Louis laughed. Just at that very moment, the four guys on stage looked around to realize that they had lost one member.

"Probably taking a wee." Harry responded and Niall laughed obnoxiously.

"Anyways..." Louis kept talking. "Our brother Zayn's getting older by the second and we wanted to make you a surprise, pal." He smiled.

"Yeah." Niall agreed. "Something that you may not see is that when we're on tour, we miss loads of people." He clarified. "You, our fans, are our main support, but we also need some other people to take charge of us."

"And to put it out like that, we wrote a song some years ago." Harry stated. "Even though it was written under other circumstances, we believe that it has a lot of impact in our current situation."

And just at that very second, Liam appeared on stage. The crowd immediately noticed and started cheering to show him their support. Even though the screams around him were to make him happy, Liam wore a frown on his face. Immediately after that, he got closer to Louis and whispered something on his ear.

"Shit." Louis spoke lowly. "Haz, we have a problem." He talked, to which the green-eyed boy turned around. His prominent smirk fell when he saw the look on his friend's face.

He knew what was going on.

"Late? What the hell!" Harry then looked at Zayn. "Oh shit."

Niall, who wasn't present in their secret conversation, still got the implicit message that it carried.

"Shall we sing it anyways?" The blonde spoke and Liam, Louis and Harry nodded.

"Yeah, I guess." Liam whispered.

"Well, then, to everyone..." Harry faked a smile. "This is GIIIIIIRLLL ALMIGHTTTTYYYYYY!!!!!!"

The music began playing and, immediately after that, Liam started singing.

"(Hey hey, oh no, no, no)"

"Her light is as loud as as many ambulances

As it takes to save a savior, oh (whoa whoa whoa)"

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