Chapter Two - Edited

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Justin's P.O.V
Taking another gulp of my vodka, I looked around the heaving night club. Bodies were dancing dirty and swaying to the music and the evident smell of alcohol was present throughout the entire room.

This was where I was at least five nights a week; the energy and buzz of it all consumes you the second you walk in. The atmosphere was heavy and dark, all you could hear was the beat of the songs blasting through the speakers.

I taken out of my thoughts when a group of boys walk by, my shoulder was forced backwards and stumbled.

"Watch where you're going, dipshits." I spat, looking at them with an evident frown on my face. They clearly didn't hear me as they carried on making their way through the crowd.

I felt anger rush through me at the slight sign of disrespect. Even a slight accidental shove can annoy me. I took a large swig of my drink before placing it back down on the hard wood in front of me, I'd finished it.

"Calm down, Bieber." I heard the voice and laughter of my best friend, Ryan, through the heavy beat of the music.

I didn't reply, I just sent him a death glare and went back to looking around the club, although looking for no one in particular.

Annoyed, I turned towards the bar and asked the barman for another vodka, as I waited I turned towards Ryan only to find him furiously making out with a blonde. I wondered how he'd managed it so quickly but I smirked towards them both, it took me a few minutes to start feeling uncomfortable.

I shuffled a few feet away from them and paid and thanked the bartender for my drink. I'd been here so many times, the barman and I were on first name terms. Whether that was something to be proud of or not, I wasn't sure.

As I took three much needed gulps of my beverage, I heard a smooth voice arise from my left.

"Hey there."

As I looked to my side, I saw a girl with blood red lipstick and curves that could make any guy weak. Her hair fell down her shoulders perfectly, the blonde colour struck my eyes.

"Hey baby," I said, and smirked. "What's your name?" I looked her up and down as I bit my lip, not trying to be subtle about it.

"Emma." She too bit her lip seductively as she looked at me, I refrained myself from growling.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I winked at her whilst still smirking. "Care to dance?" I held out my hand for her, she took it gratefully. I immediately abandoned my drink.

We approached the dance floor, I took Emma by the hips and our bodies began to sway together instantly. She started grinding her ass against me, making me want to take her right there. We went on like this for another ten minutes before she turned to face me. I wasted no more time before crashing my lips against hers and moved my hands down to her ass. I squeezed it roughly, she breathed heavily into my mouth.

Looks like Mr. Bieber was going to score tonight. Of course, the sweet talk was all fake, I knew it and even Emma knew it. We both just wanted one thing. We'd both forget this even happened in the morning and we'd both move on with our lives. That's the way I liked it.

"Let's get out of here babe, how about we go back to my place?" I looked down at and grinned as she nodded her head.

My life was crazy and I loved it.

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