Audition Tapes

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So I forgot to make the audition tapes. Oops. But I did them. And yeah I really need to do the next chapter.

Also: The labeling
Lucy(Lucinda)-The Boricua
Angel(Angelica)-The soccer chick
James-The DJ
Rei-The kendo master
Snow(Yukiko)-The Lolita otaku
Camille-The perfect girl
Lotus(Amala)-The actress
Jace(Jason Ace) and Mely(Melanie)-The popular twins
Miguel-The latin rebel
Siph-The African outback
Dingo(Dylan)-The oceanographer
Natasha-The "Anastasia"
Alex(Alexander)-The detective
Nicki(Veronica)-The reporter

"Luis": "Hey. I'm Luis Edgardo Vegas. Age fourteen and have an amazing talent...ART." *Showing of "he's" portraits* "Oh and you can't fool me. I know that you guys are really Total Drama. Even doe I'm a boricua, you can't fool these girl." *"He's" eyes winded* "Boy-I mean boy. Like I am really a girl crossdressing like a bo-" *"He" then was cutoff*
???: "Lucy, ¿estas bien hay arriba? ¿Qué estas haciendo?" *"He" freaks out*
"Luis": "Hold on for one sec." *"He" covers the camera with he's palm*
Lucy: "¡Nada titi Mary solo haciendo un video!"
Aunt Mary: "¡Okay!"
*He takes the palm away and reveals her hood down. Revealing her long girl hair. Oops, it fell down"
"Luis": *Sigh in relief* "Anyway, I like to join total drama, no matter what thanks." *"He" doesn't realize that "he's" hood is down"
*In a soccer field*
Angel: "Hey I'm Antonia Angelica Norman. If you see that it says just Angelica Norman, I just wanted to put that. Anyway I like to join your International Soccer Play-Off, sense I'm the only girl in my school to play and dominate soccer."
??? (female): "Yeah and beat all the boys at it!"
Angelica: "Nice one Bea. But still if you don't think I'm good enough, then check this out." *She quicks the ball hard and it goes through the goalie and kinda tilts it.* "try to beat that."
*In a British music studio. James is playing the song DJ got us fallin' in love by Usher featuring Pitbull. But he's doing a remix*
*The music stops*
James: "Oh hello there. Am James Wilson, son of Logan Jack Wilson of the Wilson of the United Kingdom Industries. And by now you think I'm really stupid to fall for your websites. Well your wrong. But I do like to participate in Total Drama, sense little sister Mildred love that show. Especially Cody, but she's 5. And not that much of a BIG fan. Anyway, if you pick me, you'll never regret it. Trust me."
*In a room full of anime and manga posters like: Shingeki no Kyojin(Attack on Titan), Sword Art Online, Tokyo Ghoul, Hetalia, Noragami, No game, No Life, Fairy Tail, Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler), Naruto, etc.*
Snow: "Konichiwa!" *Made a tilted peace sing over her left eye. Also that eye winked* " name is Otonashi Yukiko, but where you guys come from is Yukiko Otonashi. Which it also means, in english, Happy Snow Child. I would love to be on Total Drama. I mean how can you not stand these little kawaii girl. No matter how many challenges you will put me into, or what will happen every single day, I can take."
Rei: "Nee-san!"
Snow: "Hai! Got to go. Please pick me. Arigato. Sayunara!"
*In a Japanese training room*
Rei: "I know my sister. She audition for Total Drama. And as her older sister, I'm going with her, all the way until she or me are voted off. So let me in on Total Drama, plus I saw one of yours fake website for being an American kendo teacher. First of, do Canadians really do kendo over there? And second of, you really need to get a translator. But anyway, pick me and I'll protect my sister, plus bring a little bit of drama if you like. Thank you."
*In a room full of FBI, Criminal Minds, Bones, Sherlock Homes, and mystery stuff posters, plus a bit of some detective gear*
Alex: "Hey I'm Alexander Adams, the youngest FBI detective in the hull United States. You might have known me from any crime reports or maybe by just watching these video and looking up at google for me." (News Flash that actually happen after these audition was send to the producers.) "Anyway, I like to participate in Total Drama. But it isn't because I want the million,...I've seen that this show also goes to other countries such as the U.S.A., Japan, Russia, Sweden, and....Puerto Rico..." *His smile then turns into a frown when he said. After that, he shakes his head* "Anyway, pick me and everything will be okay. Thank you for watching and maybe choosing me for these."
*In a middle of a photo shoot*
French photographer: *Taking pictures of Camille in a pink dress that makes her look like a princess, except it all the way to her knees*
*And the photo shoot is done*
Camille: *With a bottle of water* "Bonjour. What you just saw was a few pictures for a new magazine from Magnific. Anyway, I would love to be one Total Drama, sense...well...being a model is great in all, but I want to have friends my age. So this will give me the opportunity to make some and try to have some fun for a change. Thank you so much for these and-" *Some cuts her off*
French photographer: "Madwasell Camille!"
Camille: "Urgh, got to go. See you in the show."
*In front of the Tach Mahal*
Lotus: "Hi, I'm Amala Baljeet, but you can call me Lotus. I've been always wanted to be an actress. I mean a director, check. But I always wanted to be on front of the camera then behind it. And thanks to you guys, that dream is coming true. So I read that you are also the producers of Total Drama, which I am a huge fan of course. But anyway, thank you for selecting me in your American movie. Bye bye!"
Jace and Mely
*In a room that has half baseball design and half winter design*
Jace: "Hey I'm Jason Ace Rollins!"
Mely: "And I'm Melanie Rollins! I'm the young professional ice skater like, ever."
Jace: "And I'm the youngest baseball player like ever." *He was imitating he's sister at the end*
Mely: "Oh shut up! Anyway we love Total Drama. Ever sense we saw it first aired."
Jace: "Yeah, most of our friends know that show. The ream rest, they don't, but don't worry, with us in your show the hull school is going to be talking about you guys."
Mely: "After we "might" win the million."
Jace: "Which in this case we ARE." *They both hive five*
Both: "Thanks for having us in your show! See ya!" *There eyes winded* "Okay stop that. Really stop it. No you stop it! No you stop!! NO YOU STOP IT!!!" *They start to fight and the camera falls*
*In a room full of car posters*
Miguel: "Hola, come están. I'm Miguel Ignacio Rodríguez Gomez, one of the fastest racers in all of Mexico. If you saw a few reports of a boy with a need for speed and excitement in Mexico City, that's me. I'm fast strong, fast, intelligent, brave and bold. If you need someone to be your stunt double in your next movie, I'm the man you need to call."
???: "Miguel, qué está pasando ahí arriba?"
Miguel: "Nada papá solo estoy haciendo una audición para una película! Vino Marisol! Quiero hablar con ella!"
Marisol: "Hablar conmigo de qué, Miguelito?"
Miguel: "Take me and you won't regret it."
*In the Zimbabwe safari*
Siph: "Hello, I'm Siph Baez, a safari expert. If you need someone that knows all about survival, than I'm the guy that you'll need on your show, Total Drama. Been in Total Drama would make me happier than a lion in a all you can eat raw meat buffet. See what I did their? Anyway pick me, and all promise a person that can focus-" *He's cut-off by a girl in the back of a white rhino*
Siph looks worried: *Nervous smile* "Pick me. I'M COMING SIS!!!"
*In a ballet class room*
Natasha: "Hello. I'm Natasha Kozlov, I'm sixteen years old and I know ballet. So I've been hearing zat you need a a ballet dancer, Da? Vell I'm ze right girl for you, Broadway. I've been alvays dreaming of being in Broadway ever sense I first visit America. Vhich vas over ten or eleven years ago. I also saw on your vebsite zat you were gonna be together with a few Canadian actors, so I get to meet new people. Anyvay zank you for choosing me. Bye!"
*In a beach*
Dingo: "Hey I'm Dylan Blue, but all my friends call me Dingo, sometimes Poseidon but I'm not gonna explain why. Anyway I would love to be on Total Drama, but not for the fame or the million big ones. But to have a little fun and meet new people."
???: *Female* "Dingo! Look at this!"
*Dingo looks away from the camera, and in the back a young girl is riding a wave when suddenly she wipes out*
Dingo: "Oh No! Sandy are you alright?!" *The girl rises from the water*
Sandy: "I'm alright!"
Dingo: "Good!" *Looks back at the camera* Anyway, pick me and all the knowledge of the sea will come to you."
Sandy: *She comes running* "Hey bro what's up?" *She looks at the camera* "Are you auditioning for Total Drama? Oh mom is so gonna kill you!" *She runs away*
Dingo: "Sandy Nooo!" *He runs to her*

A/N: Well that's that. Oh and also Nicki doesn't have a audition tape. Bye!

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