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Lucky POV

Man ever since Tee gave me her girl Xya's number, we been talking. She seems different from the rest these hoes I have ran into but until I hang with her I will never know! Mom has been sick lately and I been worried about her a lot. My sis be over there every chance she gets but I be making sure I'm home early every night. I told my sis that I feel like mom is giving up to go reunite with my brother.

If I didn't have Tee by our sides I don't know what we would do. When I can't make it to moms appointments or home for dinner Tee be right there. I love my sister, even if she isn't by blood. She shows us daily how much we mean to her and I do everything I can to show her she still family no mater what. I be out shopping and it's like my bro pops in my head and tells me to get certain things for her.

I just pulled up at the park to meet with my OG. He sitting in his car looks like he arguing with someone on the phone. He has been trying to meet up with me and talk to me for over two weeks but I have been really just trying to stay close to my moms if it has nothing to do with money. Everybody and their problems can wait. I had a little free time today since Michelle, Tee's mom was taking my mom to her appointments today.

OG: What's up niggah? My bad about that, motha fuckahs trippin!

Me: Oh it's cool! What's up fooly? You need to chop it up with me?

OG: Yeah yeah! What's up with lil mama Tee?

Me: Shit not much just going to school, working and helping our folks out! Why? What's up?

OG: Look I'ma be a man yo! I like her but I don't want to step to her if it is going to cause problems between us cause out of everybody we damn near family but I'm feeling her b!

Me: Shit I appreciate you coming to me about this, knowing that she is my brothers girl! Look if you wanna talk to her let me be real with you! She my lil sis fooly and not like these other bitches! She has a good head on her shoulder and is a great woman! If you step to her and she gives you the time of day, treat her right and not like these gumby ass hoes we been knowing and tossing around for years!

OG: Look I'm not trying to treat her bad I really like her yo!

Me: Aight well then you got my approval!

When we was done chopping it up, I went to visit my brother and tell him what has been going on. I sat there for over an hour until I got a phone call I had been waiting for. I rushed home and got some things I needed and then went to go handle some business.....

Honestee's POV

Sitting at work waiting for thirty minutes to go by so I can get off and go pamper my self. We are slammed with customers and my feet hurt from all the standing I done today working a ten hour shift. All day Xya has been talking and blushing about Lucky. I knew they would kick off and like each other. I'm glad he is letting go of the hoes and trying to talk to a girl who has something going for her self. He deserves a great woman.

I got off work and walked into the salon a block away. Xya was with me and was still ranting on about Lucky like I don't know him! I sat down in the chair to get my hair done and she sat in the chair next to me. When they was done washing, cutting, drying and straightening my hair, I got up and sat in the chair to get a pedi. We was talking about going on a road trip, when my phone started ringing.

It was a private number so I ignored the call. We finished with our pedi's and mani's. I went to go pay for everything I got done but the lady said everything was already paid for. I looked at Xya and she shock her head no. I asked the lady by who and she said she couldn't give out that info. We left and went our separate way. I called my mom to check on her and Linda. She was still there so I went over to stay the night with Linda.

***************Three Days Later***************

Meeting up with Jhustyx so we can spend time together. I pulled up a few doors down from the store "Urban Fits," where she said she was at. I get there and she is in the dressing room trying on clothes. I walked out to go get me something to drink two doors down. I passed by a barber shop full of niggahs. Walked into the store, got me a tea. Paid and walked out going back to the store, but got stopped.

Chip: Hey lil ma, where you going?

Me: Back to meet my sister at Urban Fits.

Chip: Oh ok but can I talk to you real quick?

Me: What's up?

Chip: Did you enjoy your day getting your nails and hair done?

Me: It was you who paid for it? Why?

Chip: Yeah kuz I wanted too! Is that a bad thing? I really like you ma!

Me: Why you try to keep it a secret then?

Chip: I knew you wouldn't have accepted it if you knew! But can I have your number and maybe soon I can take you out?

Me: You do know I can afford to pay for stuff myself right? I'm not the hoes you use to throwing themselves at you!

Chip: That's why I like you ma! I wanna show you I'm not looking at you as a hoe! So can I get your number?

I gave him my number, we chopped it up for a minute and then I went back to where my sister was. We shopped for a little while then we went to lunch before I had to go into work. All day at work all I could think about was if I did the right thing giving him my number? What would D say or how would D feel? Am I even ready to give another guy a chance right now?

Only Given What You Can Handle Part 2Where stories live. Discover now