Prologue 2

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I killed my parents when I was five. At least that's what the village thought.

The memory of that night is still hazy. But I remember myself drenched in blood and my adopted parents' dead, cold corpses in front of me.

During that time, my weird powers started to unlocked. A pair of wings had sprouted from my back. One side black and the other side white. I was also able to read other people minds.

What the villagers saw was a tiny girl covered in blood with black and a white wings on the back and her parents dead in front of her. They freaked out of course.

While they chased me out of the village, I read their minds.





Those words would still echo through my head today.

Afterward, I traveled from villages to villages, changing my look and name at each one. But someway or another, I mess up.

I made some friends in those villages. But in the end, they all betrayed me. Eventually, I created a test to see who I can trust. Not many people past.

For one year, I learned how to use my chakra, how to control my powers, and survive in the wild. I also killed if I had too.

I turned six when I arrived at Suna. I met a boy.  A boy who was hated by all. A boy who seemed to know my pain, yet he never gave up faith.

His name?


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