When I press my lips on her I lost myself in her touch and the pain in me quickly faded away. She made everything make sense, when I'm slipping away from myself she pulls me back holding me tightly as if I'm ready to break. She held me and kissed me and spoke words that made me feel better. I knew that was her first kiss and I couldn't be more proud to be the one to take it.

She's so beautiful and I just hope one day she sees it too but for now I want to show her until she believed aswell.

My parents were getting suspicious when they saw us in the grand ball dancing together, holding each other like we were a couple. They smiled and approve but they gave me a warning not to hurt her. I only smiled more seeing the protectiveness both my parents had for her.

When she fell asleep with her head upon my shoulder and my arms around her my heart began to pound in a slow beat watching her sleep. We've slept in the same bed a lot of times and each times creates a deeper meaning. The first time was when she cling onto me when her dad passed away and I wanted nothing more then to ease her pain. The second time was when she crawled into my bed in the middle of the night and I knew she was crying so I opened my arms letting her settle her wet cheeks on my neck. The third time is me needing her this time, wanting her arms around me to tell me it's okay. It's her I need and she gave it all to me healing the self hate for myself and instead smile when I see the ocean.

There is something special about this morning because this time she didn't move away from me. Usually in the mornings she would be sitting by the window with a cup of coffee staring blankly her mind filled with too many thoughts. She's still here in my arms and it felt different, a good kind of different.  

She stirred slowly turning around in my arms to face me for a second I thought she's going to wake up but instead she bury her face against my neck. Her lips pressed against my neck making smile widely wanting to stay like this all day but I see in about two minutes my clock will go off for school. Sooner then I expected the clock began to ring loudly causing her to groan lightly.

She pulled back rubbing her closed eyes her lips slightly pouting making me grin at how adorable she looks.

"Good morning." I grin happily.

She peek through her lashes her eyes widening slightly as if she forgot I'm here. She slightly moved away but I didn't allow her.

"Morning." She smiled softly.  

I sat up and place a kiss on her lips shocking her making me grin down at her in amusement seeing the shock still there. I want her to get use to me kissing her, touching her and showing her how much I want and care for her.

"Get up! School time." I grin standing up never feeling this much energised for school.

"I don't want to " She sighed burying her face on the pillow.

"I know you want to spend in bed all day with me but we have to go school." I teased amused seeing her blush widely.

I've never been playful with the relationship I had with Jessica. Sure those first year it was puppy love and lust for each other like any teenager will feel. Sure I did have fun with Jessica but I never woke up beside her and laughed with pure joy the way I did with Hailey. Her innocent eyes widening, her cheeks blushing as she stare at me trying not to look embarssed.

I like the thought that she never kissed anyone or that she never been with someone and stayed in their bed.

She supress a smile throwing a pillow at me and pulling back the covers that was over her head. I laughed and grab her ankle hearing her gasp loudly knowing what's about to come.

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