Meg White you're alright

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Chapter 2

Meg looked down at the white stick in her hands. Two red vertical lines stained the center. She swallowed, trying to push the bile that crept up in her throat. After taking a few breaths to calm herself down, Meg threw the stick into the garbage and grabbed onto the sink for support. Her face was drained of color and she barely recognized the girl looking back at her in the mirror. Of all the times to have a baby this was not it. Her and Elliott had just moved from their Film professions in L.A. to pursue the dream of owning a brewery in their home state. This was a fresh start. Money was tight and the future uncertain, no place for a baby.  Meg wasn't sure how or if she should tell Elliott. He was so busy trying to get the Klassic Brewery off the ground and she didn't want to mess that up.

"Come on, girl. Get a hold of yourself," she whispered to herself. Feeling a little less light headed, Meg grabbed a washcloth and doused her face with ice-cold water.

Elliott tapped on the bathroom door startling her and making her jump.

"Hey! Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you," he said with his signature gentle smile. "I just finished unloading all the boxes. Want to help me sort through them?" He asked.

Meg nodded and followed him downstairs.

"Are you feeling okay, babe? You look a little pale. I can grab food if you're hungry."

"No, I am fine," Meg reassured him. "I just suddenly felt a little sick. Maybe it's the climate change."

Elliott laughed and began cutting the tape on the boxes so that they could easily access the items inside. Meg's thoughts overwhelmed her as she mindlessly removed dishes from her package. Would it really be so wrong to start a family? They've always known that Kansas was where they wanted to raise kids. Maybe it was time.

"Hey, Elliott, now that we are back home we should start thinking about extending our family."

"Sure!" he exclaimed.

Meg was overjoyed with his positive reception. He continued, "I mean definitely! You know in a few years we will be settled and ready I think. Obviously right now would be an awful time since we hardly have enough room in this home for us." He looked at her, "Someday though!"

Meg tried to offer him her cheeriest of smiles, but felt anything but cheery inside. She continued unpacking until she her phone chime. Quickly, she pulled it out of her back pocket and saw that Madison had sent her a message.

After reading the text Meg said, "Did you know our 10 year high school reunion is next week?"

"Yep!" Elliott replied as he walked into the kitchen. "Already sent in our RSVP." He shouted.

Meg nodded and replied to Madison, "Guess we are going. See you there!"

She would be glad to see her friend since it had been a few years since they'd last been together. Often times, Madison would visit L.A. for an article. However, the last few years she spent more time on the east coast and down south. Madison was her last remaining friend from high school and she wasn't sure how she'd feel seeing the other three girls she once called friends.

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