Dating My Teacher's Brother. Part 14

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“We’ll I’m in Maths last period, so I’ll just come over during that period. He said he’s not going to make us work,” he nodded as he flicked through my essay.

“Okay, I’ll tell him that when I see him. Was the essay okay?” He asked looking up at me. I have to admit, he is pretty good looking. He’s twenty-seven and he started when I started. He taught me the same year and we kind of kept talking.

“Yeah it was easy enough after you explained everything to me.” He laughed and nodded.

“Are you looking forward to Christmas?” He asked sitting back in his chair.

“Yeah it’ll be good. I’m pretty sick of everything to be honest.”

“Is Sean not taking you out enough?” I laughed and sat down by the side of his desk.

“He’s doing my head in. Anyway don’t really want to talk about him.” He laughed and nodded.

“Fair enough,” I smiled and rested my arm on his desk.

“What about you?” 

“Yeah it’ll be good. Apart from Jackie’s parents are coming for New Year’s.” Jackie was his wife; they got married a year and a half ago. I haven’t met her, but she sounds really nice.

“Have fun with that,” I teased him.

“Oh I always do,” he said sarcastically. I laughed and shook my head.

“When’s the baby due?” He recently told our class that his wife was pregnant.

“In the middle of August, so I little while away.” I nodded as the bell went. “Right you better get going, I’ll see you first period,” I nodded as I stood up.

“See you later,” I said walking out of his room. I walked around the corner and walked into Williams’ room. “Hey,” he looked up at me and smiled.

“Hey,” he said grinning, but I could tell it was kind of forced. “How come you’re here so quick? Couldn’t keep away?” I laughed and walked over to him.

“You wish,” I said ruffling his hair. “I was giving my essay to Mr Craig,” he nodded and opened one of his drawers.

“Sean wanted me to give you this,” he said handing me a box. I took it from him and smiled. “So you’re pissed off at him?” I looked at him and laughed. Then I remembered their conversation, maybe I shouldn’t say anything yet.

“I’m just trying to show him that maybe things aren’t working out.” He nodded and picked up his pen. “By the way, I might need to go see Mr Craig about my essay.” He nodded and went back to his work.

“As long as you don’t replace me permanently,” I laughed hit the back of his head.

“You can bring dinner with you tonight.” He laughed and looked up at me as I walked towards my desk.

“I think that’s fair,” I smiled at him as I sat in my seat. “What do you fancy?” He said going back to his marking.

“Surprise me,” he smiled and nodded as everyone started to walk in.

~~~Rachel’s house~~~

“Lee?” I asked as he stood at my front door. This was a bit weird to be honest. My parents left half an hour ago, and Lee turned up.

“Hey, Ray, can I come in?” I smiled and nodded. I stood aside and let him in. Williams is meant to be here in half an hour. I need to get rid of him quickly. I walked into the living room and sat down.

“So what’s up?” I asked pulling my phone out to text Williams.

“I’m just going to come straight out. Are you still dating Sean?” I looked up at him confused.

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