"Stop Texting Me "

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Stalker : GoodMorning

June: Bye

Stalker : What happen?

June: Nothing.

Stalker: Something happened

June: No

Stalker : Yes

June: No

Stalker: Yes! and you know you can talk to me about it.

June: Im not talking about my problems to a stranger 

Stalker: Im not a stranger 

June: I dont know you

Stalker: Yes you do

June: No I dont 

Stalker : How do you think I got your number? 

June: I dont know 

Stalker: What was Dani doing that lunch at the cafe?

June: Class project?

Stalker:  Sorry but you are really dumb

June: Who are you to call me dumb

Stalker: How do I know she was at the cafe?

June: Idk you saw her?

Stalker: You really are dumb

June: Fuck off stop calling me dumb

Stalker: Im sorry but truth

June: Piece of shit 

Stalker: Are you usually this mean or is it only when ur mad?

June: Always

Stalker: You were nice the start of this school year

June: Well I'm not anymore

Stalker: Why not? 

June: Stop asking question 

Stalker: No 

June: I don't wanna talk to you fuck off

Stalker: what happen? 

June: Nothing

Stalker: Tell me

June: Stop texting me 

Stalker: But

June: Bye. 

Unknown ( Niall Horan)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon