I Wonder Who He Is

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Jade's Point Of View

Dear Diary

I have been getting texts from this stranger, we have been talking about roughly 2 months now. For a fact I know my best friend Dani is in this game.I don't know how I feel about him...he hasn't texted me in 2 days, I wonder if I said something wrong. 

In my mind he is this cute blondie, that is so adorable with its Irish accent, just thinking about it makes me melt. I know it may sound friend to be in love? no that's not the right one... to like or as Irish people say fancy someone... I really do fancy him, but I don't want him to know how I feel because I don't know him. What if this is a big joke? in my high school career never have I felt like this towards someone, and now it makes me uncomfortable; knowing my friend is in it I cannot even talk to her about. 

I talked to one of my guy friends about this, that there is a Irish stranger from our school texting me, he knows everybody and so he came up with the name Niall Horan. This name so matches his initials, I believe my stranger lover is Niall Horan but he has no social media. I've been on a hunt at school trying to find this cute Niall Horan but seems impossible. I really do not know how to feel about this whole situation. Me and my friend Marc are going to meet up on Friday to find this Niall Horan and once we do I will have the weekend to confront him about and when I do I'll have 2 days off from seeing him cause apparently I have 4 classes with and it would be weird to see him the next day after knowing how he looks like.

Really hope this works. I hope everything doesn't go horrible and I get humiliated. Praying for Friday to come faster but not come at all either. 

Unknown ( Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now