Plans Backfire

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Chapter 38

Emmi's pov

"Please don't leave Amanda!" I begged as she threw her clothes into her bag.

"I have to Em! It's my dad and brother! Even though they don't care about me, I still have to live with them!" she said.

"Amanda!" I whined.

"Emmi, there's nothing we can do about this. My family's broken, I'm leaving, gonna have a bad life, and then you'll move on and find a new best friend who's better then me." she said.

"I could never replace you!" I gasped.

"Em, can I be alone. Please?" she asked.

"Fine, but we're talking about this later." I said and pointed my finger at her. She rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Fine, but we all know what will happen. What I said will." she said. I walked out and closed the door. Ugh! I'm so angry!

I went downstairs while thinking of a plan. I need a plan! Anything!

Hey stupid!

What? And stupid is a mean word!

Why not fix her family? Or even a better idea! Call her dad and tell him she's not leaving!

Why didn't I think of that!?

Like I said earlier, stupid.

Oh be quiet!

I grabbed the phone and went through the caller ID's.


Oh no! That better not be for me!

Wait It couldn't be. They have custody of me.


No, she was originally here. They wouldn't give her back.



Oh no! They can't get rid of Amanda! I dropped the phone and ran up to mom and dad's room. Maya was in there.

"How could you!?" I asked.

"What?" dad asked.

"You're getting rid of Amanda!?" I asked, well I thought I did. I actually screamed it. Everyone shushed me.

"You're getting rid of me?" a small voice asked. We all turned around and saw Amanda there.

"No sweetie-" mm started.

"I knew no one cared about me." she said and ran. She ran into our room and slammed the door shut.

"Look what you did!" I yelled and ran to Maya's room and slammed the door shut.  

A/N: And what did Emmi just cause?

And everyone go follow 1DShaytards like I said before. She's an amazing writer and is almost to 1k!!

And thank you guys for so many votes and reads!! ILY!!!

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