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Chapter 2

Emmi's pov

I've been listening in on my parents conversations. So far I found out that my half sister lives in New York City, has a mom named Katy, and has the last name...Heart? I don't remember, but it was something like that. I was planning to leave tomorrow night. I can't take it here anymore! I've been abused, hard at labor, and screamed at. Tomorrow I'm leaving.

"EMMA GET DOWN HERE!" my dad yelled. I walked downstairs.

"It's Emmi." I corrected quietly. He spun around and walked towards me. I backed away until I was trapped.

"What did you say to me? Did you correct me?" he asked. I just silently nodded. What did I just do? He slapped me, kicked me, and pushed me to the ground.

"Don't ever correct me!" he screamed. He walked away leaving me on the ground in pain. I felt my cheek. Yep, it's bleeding. I couldn't take it. My family, except me, was leaving to go out to dinner tonight. I'll leave then.

Later Tonight

They were gone! Yes!! I went downstairs and grabbed water bottles, small snacks, and my jacket. It was old, but it will work. I threw on my jacket and grabbed my bag. It had water bottles, food, three pairs of clothes, money, and my teddy bear. I took one last glance of my room. It was a small and old room. It wasn't in good condition. Then I left out the window. I ran for awhile, probably for 10 minutes. I made it to a bus station. I saw a ticket for New York City! Perfect! I got a ticket and waited for the bus. Once the bus got here, I hopped on and left.

Maya's pov

I was at the Matthews' eating dinner with them. After we ate, Riley and I went to her room.

"Maya what are we going to do about your half sibling?" Riley asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing. My sibling is happy where they are, probably." I told her.

"But Maya they want to meet you!" she said.

I shrugged, "Riley, we're going to do nothing about this. Ok?" I said.

She sighed, "But what if they come here!" she asked.

I shrugged, "Then they come, and I meet them. Then they leave, and there goes another person leaving in my life." I explained. Riley looked down.

"I'm sorry Maya." she said.

"It's ok. You just wanted to make things right." I said.

For the rest of the night we just watched movies, talked, and then fell asleep. What if I did meet my half sibling? Would I like them? Maybe I do want to meet them.

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