Amanda's Gone

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Chapter 32

Emmi's pov

I climbed up to Amanda's window and opened it. Our windows are always unlocked.

"Amanda don't go" I yelled and looked around her room. It was empty.

"Amanda!?" I yelled. I looked on her bed. It was a note!


Yeah, only you. I know you would be the only one to check here. You're the only one who cares enough to. But I'm leaving.

I need to find Nick! If you think I would do something stupid, imagine that times 10! It would be way worse for Nick! I need to stop him! I'm really sorry.

Thanks for everything! I love you so much. And don't worry, I'll come back.


P.S.-I left my favorite stuffed animal for you.

I looked to the side and saw her little puppy. I grabbed it and hugged it. I slid down the wall and brought my knees to my face.

"WHY!?" I yelled and cried. I climbed out to go tell mom and dad! They need to help her!


"Mommy! Daddy!" I yelled and ran in with Auggie. Yeah, he followed me, then got lost.

"What?" mom asked. I grabbed their hands.

"Amanda ran away! She went to find Nick! You need to find her!" I said.

"What!?" they asked.

"Yeah! Where's Amanda's dad?" I asked.

"He left." dad said.

"Ok well let's go!" I said and tried dragging them out. They wouldn't budge. "Let's go!" I said.

"Ok I'll go find her. Katy you finish up work and Emmi you stay here with your mom and Auggie." dad said. I nodded and he left.

"Will Amanda be ok?" Auggie asked.

"Of course!" I said quickly. "She's always ok." I said with full confidence.

Amanda's pov

I ran to where Nick was abandoned to go. The back alley way behind a bad part of area. I saw him and his friends about to leave.

"NICK!" I yelled. They turned around.

"Amanda?" he asked.

"Nick don't go! I need you!" I said and ran over to him.

"Amanda go home! You shouldn't be here!" he said.

"Neither should you!" I argued.

"Well I'm tired of our home life, I'm leaving." he said.

"Then I'm coming!" I responded.

"No! You go back home!" he disagreed.

"No! I'm not leaving without you!" I yelled.

"It's not safe." he said and backed up. Then I got an idea!

"You don't have to protect me I'm not afraid" I sang.

He groaned, "Amanda shut up and go home."

"Please don't shut me out again,

Please don't slam the door

You don't have to keep your distance anymore

'Cause for the first time in forever

I finally understand

For the first time in forever

We can fix this hand in hand

We can head down this mountain together

You don't have to live in fear

'Cause for the first time in forever,

I will be right here" I sang.

"AMANDA STOP! SHUT UP! GO AWAY! I HATE YOU!" he screamed. My heart skipped a beat. We both stood there, shocked. Tears filled my vision. He turned around with anger and ran off with his friends, leaving me there.

Leaving me filled with shock.

Leaving me there to cry.

Leaving me there not safe.

Leaving me.


I wiped my eyes, but that didn't help. I cried and ran in the opposite direction. My 16 year old brother, one of the only people who cared about me, just left.


No One's pov

"Nick, are you going to leave me like mom did?" asked innocent, 4 year old Amanda to he 14 year old brother.

"Amanda listen to me right now." he said strictly making the little girl actually listen. "I will never leave you. Never ever ever. I love you too much." he said. She hugged her brother.

"I love you too Nick!" she said.

Present Day

"Lies!" I thought. It pained me to think of that. I kept running and I was out of the bad part of town.


No One's pov

"Dad! I hate you!" Nick screamed and ran up to the room him and his little sister shared. He slammed the door only to find his 5 year old little sister there.

"Nick? What happened?" Amanda asked dropping the crayon.

"Nothing. Dad's just being stupid. Let's just forget about it." he said.

"Do you need to talk?" she asked.

"No. You're too young to understand." he sighed.

"Everyone always says that!" she exclaimed. He laughed.

"Let's just color." he said. She nodded excitedly and handed him a coloring book. After two hours of fun, Nick forgot what he was mad about.

Present Day

Amanda's pov

I fell on the ground in an alley, no idea where I was.

"Ow!" I screamed in pain. I had scraped my knees and elbows on the concrete. I pulled myself over to the wall and laid down. I cried. I cried the hardest I ever had. No one except Nick has ever seen me cry.

Not Emmi.

Not the Hunter's.

Not Auggie.

Not Anyone in school.

No one except Nick.

And now he's gone. Like everyone else.

I left my self there crying. Not caring about anyone or anything. Just Nick. Why did he leave?

A/N: Poor Amanda!!! What will Emmi think? Will she fix this? No she'll probaby leave it alone...wait. That doesn't sound like her at all! Thanks for reading! Please vote! :)

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